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OffBeat will reach a major milestone - the 1,000th issue - in October this year after the first issue was published in January 1973. This is an opportune time for us to reminisce about the past and look ahead.

In anticipation of the arrival of this memorable occasion, OffBeat appeals for your contribution to enrich its content with articles or photos. You may send an article about a topic of your choice, for example, one that shares your thoughts, feelings, memories and experiences about OffBeat. Photos that have a story to tell with police themes are also welcome.

Contributions may be published in OffBeat 1,000th issue. Authors of the articles or owners of the photos that are published will be presented with souvenirs as a token of thanks.

Everyone (serving/retired regular or auxiliary officers or civilians) is welcome. Contributions can be in English (maximum 450 words) or Chinese (maximum 800 words). Photos must be original without modification (at least one megabytes in jpg format) with caption. Old photos with only hard copy may be sent by post to OffBeat Editor and will be returned after publication. 

We will not accept anonymous submissions but will withhold names on request.

Please send your articles or photos to OffBeat Editor before August 1 via PEN: sio-off-beat-pprb@police.gov.hk or io-off-beat-1-pprb@police.gov.hk or post to 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai.