Do not carry restricted items in Hong Kong

Crime Matters

Crime Prevention Bureau(CPB)

According to the Laws of Hong Kong, it is illegal for the residents of Hong Kong, visitors or transit passengers going through Hong Kong International Airport, to carry the following items within the territory of Hong Kong, irrespective of whether these items are stored in the hand-carried luggage or hold luggage :

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According to Section 13 of Cap 238 《Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance》, Laws of Hong Kong, NO person shall have in his possession any arms or ammunition unless he/she holds a license for possession of such arms or ammunition or a dealer’s license for such items.

(Including Stunning Device and Tear Gas)

According to Cap 217 《Weapons Ordinance》, Laws of Hong Kong, any person who has possession of any prohibited items commits an offence.

According to Cap 217 《Weapons Ordinance》 , prohibited weapon included:

  • Chinese-style throwing dart
  • Gravity knife
  • Gravity-operated steel baton
  • Knuckleduster whether spiked or not and with or without blade
  • Chinese-style fighting iron
  • Spring-loaded steel baton
  • Any knife the blade of which is exposed by a spring or other mechanical or electric device
  • Any bladed or pointed weapon designed to be used in a fashion whereby the handle is held in a clenched fist and the blade or point protrudes between the fingers of the fist

According to Cap 295 《Dangerous Goods Ordinance》, Laws of Hong Kong, Any person who has possession of any types of dangerous goods commits an offence.

The above list of items is not exhaustive. If in doubt, please consult legal representative.