Traffic Statistics


Number of Traffic Enforcement by Quarter in 2022

Type 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter TOTAL
FPT (Parking - Pol. 525)  780 863  852 694  881 952  847 962 3 363 471
FPT (Moving - Pol. 570)  127 726  148 045  136 227  133 360  545 358
Summons / Arrest  12 589  15 245  14 934  15 411  58 179
Total  921 178 1 015 984 1 033 113  996 733 3 967 008


Traffic Enforcement Statistics by Offences by Police Region in 2022 (Jan-Dec)

  Offences HKI KE KW NTS NTN Others Total
1 Offences by Pedestrians 1 351  809 1 923 1 249 1 360  0 6 692
2 Offences by Cyclists  76  685  317  685 4 027  42 5 832
3 Drink driving  76  147  136  268  145  0  772
4 Drug driving  4  15  9  35  10  0  73
5 Careless driving 3 124 3 167 4 529 3 727 3 486  2 18 035
6 Dangerous driving (includes causing grievous bodily Harm and death)  113  202  392  188  269  0 1 164
7 Insecure load  67  93  22  333  322  0  837
8 Overloading  42  956  255 1 285  591  7 3 136
9 Traffic signal offences 7 419 9 211 21 178 5 357 10 108  2 53 275
10 Traffic sign offences 12 801 7 504 10 583 11 443 7 005  0 49 336
11 Using handheld mobile phone/telecommunications equipment while vehicle is in motion 1 094 2 727 1 932 12 195 7 350  0 25 298
12 Failing to give precedence to pedestrian on zebra crossing  194  133  243  145  65  0  780
13 Double white line offences 5 184 6 129 5 017 4 414 3 361  1 24 106
14 Yellow stripe crossing  149  9  241  13  10  0  422
15 Box junction offence  691  242  748  157  198  0 2 036
16 U turn causing obstruction  11  2  1  5  7  0  26
17 Seatbelt offences  387  472 1 695 3 339 1 565  0 7 458
18 Soliciting passenger  1  0  0  0  0  0  1
19 Refusing hire  47  9  3  4  2  0  65
20 Overcharging  15  0  1  0  1  0  17
21 Taximeter offences  18  0  8  0  0  0  26
22 Driving in a motor race or speed trail  0  0  0  0  11  0  11
23 Speeding 29 378 43 132 70 508 47 211 75 052  2 265 283
24 Others 24 936 16 637 28 291 40 159 28 699  134 138 856
A1 Grand total 87 178 92 281 148 032 132 212 143 644  190 603 537
B1 Total Pol. 525 624 000 555 417 1 011 084 570 895 602 075  0 3 363 471
25 Verbal warnings - Drivers  161  391 1 116 3 587 8 479  0 13 734
26 Verbal warnings - Cyclists  0  8  4  721  176  0  909
27 Verbal warnings - Pedestrians  12  30  1  672  15  0  730
C1 Total Warnings  173  429 1 121 4 980 8 670  0 15 373



Traffic Enforcement Statistics by Offences in 2022 (Jan-Dec)

  Offences 2021
1 Offences by Pedestrians 8 814 6 692 -24%
2 Offences by Cyclists 6 768 5 832 -14%
3 Drink driving  838  772 -8%
4 Drug driving  121  73 -40%
5 Careless driving 17 075 18 035 6%
6 Dangerous driving
(includes causing grievous bodily Harm and death)
1 134 1 164 3%
7 Insecure load  738  837 13%
8 Overloading 2 796 3 136 12%
9 Traffic signal offences 53 499 53 275 -0.4%
10 Traffic sign offences 46 076 49 336 7%
11 Using handheld mobile phone/telecommunications equipment while vehicle is in motion  25 574 25 298 -1%
12 Failing to give precedence to pedestrian on zebra crossing  568  780 37%
13 Double white line offences 20 938 24 106 15%
14 Yellow stripe crossing  409  422 3%
15 Box junction offence 1 281 2 036 59%
16 U turn causing obstruction  21  26 24%
17 Seat belt offences 7 458 7 458 0%
18 Soliciting passenger  0  1 N.A.
19 Refusing hire  27  65 141%
20 Overcharging  11  17 55%
21 Taximeter offences  0  26 N.A.
22 Driving in a motor race or speed trail  24  11 -54%
23 Speeding 266 333 265 283 -0.4%
24 Others 126 350 138 856 10%
A1 Grand total 586 853 603 537 3%
B1 Total Pol. 525 3 302 160 3 363 471 2%
25 Verbal warnings - Drivers 16 333 13 734 -16%
26 Verbal warnings - Cyclists  940  909 -3%
27 Verbal warnings - Pedestrians  923  730 -21%
C1 Total Warnings 18 196 15 373 -16%