Traffic Statistics


Number of Traffic Enforcement by Quarter in 2023

Type 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter TOTAL
FPT (Parking - Pol. 525) 805 561    755 780    734 104    717 574    3 013 019   
FPT (Moving - Pol. 570) 149 110    138 368    129 802    131 390     548 670   
Summons / Arrest 15 275    14 894    15 550    16 385     62 104   
Total  969 946     909 042     879 456     865 349    3 623 793   


Traffic Enforcement Statistics by Offences by Police Regions in 2023 (Jan-Dec)

  Offences HKI KE KW NTS NTN Others Total
1 Offences by Pedestrians 1 594 1 118 2 540 1 629 2 031  0 8 912
2 Offences by Cyclists  105  456  313  573 2 568  79 4 094
3 Drink driving  72  103  152  216  166  0  709
4 Drug driving  11  5  7  35  9  0  67
5 Careless driving 3 106 3 998 5 264 4 467 4 027  0 20 862
6 Dangerous driving
(includes causing grievous bodily Harm and death)
 116  220  391  223  155  0 1 105
7 Insecure load  78  70  13  291  243  0  695
8 Overloading  73  923  305  716  530  12 2 559
9 Traffic signal offences 7 647 6 352 20 115 4 478 10 232  3 48 827
10 Traffic sign offences 13 740 6 768 8 810 10 700 6 899  1 46 918
11 Using handheld mobile phone/telecommunications equipment while vehicle is in motion  1 321 2 270 2 092 13 860 7 386  0 26 929
12 Failing to give precedence to pedestrian on zebra crossing  182  126  213  147  69  0  737
13 Double white line offences 6 268 6 778 6 985 5 198 4 885  0 30 114
14 Yellow stripe crossing  102  12  313  12  13  0  452
15 Box junction offence  199  494 1 127  373  207  1 2 401
16 U turn causing obstruction  21  3  5  9  13  0  51
17 Seatbelt offences  370  407 1 757 3 067 2 266  1 7 868
18 Soliciting passenger  0  0  0  4  0  0  4
19 Refusing hire  42  12  14  14  3  0  85
20 Overcharging  22  2  11  6  1  0  42
21 Taximeter offences  3  1  7  1  0  0  12
22 Driving in a motor race or speed trail  0  0  0  0  6  0  6
23 Speeding 19 792 50 576 58 089 53 898 71 215  1 253 571
24 Others 25 488 15 580 28 509 42 776 40 965  436 153 754
A1 Grand total 80 352 96 274 137 032 142 693 153 889  534 610 774
B1 Total Pol. 525 523 167 443 038 960 276 471 527 615 011  0 3 013 019
25 Verbal warnings - Drivers  144  101  297 3 211 9 040  0 12 793
26 Verbal warnings - Cyclists  1  11  0  314  80  0  406
27 Verbal warnings - Pedestrians  103  132  7  247  38  0  527
C1 Total Warnings  248  244  304 3 772 9 158  0 13 726



Traffic Enforcement Statistics by Offences in 2023 (Jan-Dec)

  Offences 2022
1 Offences by Pedestrians 6 692 8 912 33%
2 Offences by Cyclists 5 832 4 094 -30%
3 Drink driving  772  709 -8%
4 Drug driving  73  67 -8%
5 Careless driving 18 035 20 862 16%
6 Dangerous driving
(includes causing grievous bodily harm and death)
1 164 1 105 -5%
7 Insecure load  837  695 -17%
8 Overloading 3 136 2 559 -18%
9 Traffic signal offences 53 275 48 827 -8%
10 Traffic sign offences 49 336 46 918 -5%
11 Using handheld mobile phone/telecommunications equipment while vehicle is in motion  25 298 26 929 6%
12 Failing to give precedence to pedestrian on zebra crossing  780  737 -6%
13 Double white line offences 24 106 30 114 25%
14 Yellow stripe crossing  422  452 7%
15 Box junction offence 2 036 2 401 18%
16 U turn causing obstruction  26  51 96%
17 Seat belt offences 7 458 7 868 5%
18 Soliciting passenger  1  4 300%
19 Refusing hire  65  85 31%
20 Overcharging  17  42 147%
21 Taximeter offences  26  12 -54%
22 Driving in a motor race or speed trail  11  6 -45%
23 Speeding 265 283 253 571 -4%
24 Others 138 856 153 754 11%
A1 Grand total 603 537 610 774 1%
B1 Total Pol. 525 3 363 471 3 013 019 -10%
25 Verbal warnings - Drivers 13 734 12 793 -7%
26 Verbal warnings - Cyclists  909  406 -55%
27 Verbal warnings - Pedestrians  730  527 -28%
C1 Total Warnings 15 373 13 726 -11%