Disclosure Log


The disclosure log provides summary descriptions of the nature of information requested and released under the Code on Access to Information ("the Code") by the Force. The disclosure log will be updated on a quarterly basis.

If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer. Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.

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Reference number Information requested and released


Statistics of sexual offences from 2015 to 2022


List of recordable offences


Number of reported crime cases in Kwun Tong, Sham Shui Po, Wong Tai Sin, Yau Tsim and Mong Kok Police Districts from 1992 to 2021


Number of reported cases by type of crime in Wong Tai Sin Police District from 2022 to August 2023


Information on “Stop and Search”


List of recordable offences


Charges of disrupting Organ Donation Register


Information on Certificate of No Criminal Conviction applications


Number of reported cases of Domestic Violence (Crime) and Domestic Violence (Miscellaneous) by police district from 2019 to September 2023


Number of reported cases of Domestic Violence (Crime) and Domestic Violence (Miscellaneous) by police district from 2019 to September 2023


  1. Number of non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) arrested by crime type, age group and gender from 2003 to 2021

  2. Number of identity card checks from 2012 to 2021

  3. Number of NEC working in the Police Force in February 2022


Number of deception cases from January to September 2023


List of recordable offences


Number of arrested of 16 years old or below by type of offences and gender from 2010 to 2022


Information on handling crime cases


Statistics of cyber crime from 2010 to 2022


Number of reported crime cases by police district from 2007 to 2022


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Number of deception cases by police district from 2010 to June 2023


List of recordable offences


Information on illegal parking


Information about road maintenance works at a specified location


Information about road maintenance works at a specified location


Number of reported cases for under-skirt clandestine photo-taking from 2022 to 2023


The job duties of the Command and Control Centre and the tree chainsaw team


The English typing speed requirement for Police Communications Officers


The Chinese and English names, job duties and the rank of the officer-in-charge of the Confined Space Search Team


Information on Police Mentorship Program and the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force


Corporal punishment of Hong Kong Police Force and types of animal assist police officers in performing duties


Measures taken by Hong Kong Police Force against Officer with Unmanageable Debts


The number of nuisance complaint at a specified location in Mei Foo in 2023 and the actions taken by the Police.


Information about illegal parking issues at a specific location in Fanling


Information about illegal parking issues at a specific location in Fanling


Information about illegal parking issues at a specific location in Fanling

Reference number Information requested and released


Information on the street name, number and the government department responsible for a specified location


Information about street management issues at a specified location


Traffic enforcement figures between April and July 2023 at a specified location in Yuen Long


Information concerning the Tseung Kwan O Government Offices which is under construction


Details about the road closure at Nathan Road near Waterloo Road on 6 March 2023


Recruitment figures of police officers and their qualifications


Number of Pawnbrokers Licence in 2022


Conditions imposed for Public Meetings / Processions between 27 March 2023 and 30 April 2023


Information about the establishment and strength figures of the Police Communications Officer Grade and the Police Communications Officer recruitment exercises.


Information about the 2022 Contract Customer Service Officer Recruitment Exercise in respect of :
- the shortlisting criteria; and
- the disposal arrangement of application form and supporting documents


The preparatory measures implemented by Hong Kong Police Force to cope with rainstorm and flooding.

Reference number Information requested and released


Crime statistics in Central District and Tsuen Wan District


Prosecution figures of Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) in 2021


Procedures and guidelines on processing of records by the Police


Information and statistics relating to trafficking from 2016 to 2022


Details of Sexual Conviction Record Check Scheme


Number of reported cases, prosecutions and convictions relating to sections 159AAB to 159AAE of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200) from 8 October 2021 when the sections took effect up to 31 December 2022


Daily number of reported cases of robbery, burglary, thefts, pickpocketing and motor vehicles reported missing from 2013 to 2022


Figures related to child sexual abuse cases for 2022


Number of reported cases by Police District from January 2018 to February 2023


Information about Application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Statistics on “anti-extradition amendment bill”-related incidents


Number of reported cases and number of persons prosecuted and convicted related to clandestine photo-taking in public places from 2010 to 2022 in Hong Kong


Information and statistics relating to trafficking from 2016 to 2022


Number of reported crime cases by crime type and Police District in 2022


Information about the illegal acts relating to the serious violence


Information about voyeurism and related offences for 2022 and the period between January and March 2023


Number of reported cases relating to assault on police officers when performing duty from 2019 to 2022


Number of reported cases of Domestic Violence (Crimes) and Domestic Violence (Miscellaneous) for 2022 and the period between January and March 2023


Number of reported cases by crime type and Police District from 2004 to 2022


Number of persons arrested for crime by sex and age group from 2013 to 2022


Crime records and road traffic accident records from 2019 to 2022


Number of reported cases of e-shopping fraud from 2018 to 2022 and relevant anti-deception advice


Complaint Statistics and Traffic Enforcement in Yau Tong area


Information about the Societies Ordinance (Cap. 151)


Information concerning the way to cope with the issue of (illegal) migrant workers by HKPF and other enforcement agencies


Information about the burial of police dogs in Gallant Garden


  1. Number of Fixed Penalty Notices and prosecutions issued/ conducted by HKPF under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I) from 15 July 2020 to 1 March 2023
  2. Details of Fixed Penalty Notices issued to those who violated the mask-wearing requirements


Figures on request for assistance related to water sports for year 2022 and 2023


Number of prosecution cases of offences related to vehicles emitting excessive noise in the last 3 years


Number of traffic offences involving vehicles issued with International Circulation Permit in the past 5 years


Crime statistics of Tsuen Wan District from 2022 to 2023


Information about street management issues

Reference number Information requested and released


Statistics on human trafficking in Hong Kong


Statistics related to missing motor vehicles from October to November 2022


Statistics on the illegal acts relating to the serious violence in 2019


Annual number of reported cases of domestic violence (crimes) and domestic violence (miscellaneous) by police district


Arrest figures of persons aged 10 to 17 for rape and indecent assault from 2018 to 2022


List of recordable offences


Crime statistics in 2022 (robbery, burglary, thefts and violent crimes)


Arrest figures of persons aged above 60 for criminal offences from 2020 to June 2022


Number of reported crime cases by police district in 2021


Crime situation of Hong Kong Island Region by police district from 1992 to 2021


Number of reported cases involving children being left unattended at home from 2013 to 2022


Statistics on cases relating to incense trees in Hong Kong from 2015 to 2022


Statistics related to deception cases from 2019 to 2022


Child sexual abuse figures for 2022


Traffic enforcement details at specified times and locations


Traffic enforcement details at specified times and locations


Method of applying for Registration of a Society


Information about the update of police dog webpage


Information about Dobermann police dogs


Information about the arrests of (illegal) migrant workers


Information regarding the Auxiliary Undergraduate Scheme

Reference number Information requested and released


Information about environmental initiatives


Arrest figures in incidents relating to the serious violence occurred in 2019 (breakdown by month, sex and age)


  1. Information on the Police Superintendent’s Discretion Scheme
  2. Information on offences under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486)


Number of reported cases of robbery, burglary, theft and violent crime by Police District from 2019 to 2021


Information on the legal obligations and restrictions as stipulated in the Code on Access to Information


Number of reported cases of email scam and e-shopping fraud from 2018 to June 2022 and the amount of loss incurred therein


Number of arrestees aged 65 or above not being prosecuted through the exercise of discretion by the Police from 2020 to June 2022


Information on recordable offences


Crime statistics of Kowloon West Region from 1992 to 2021


Methods for accessing criminal conviction data


Annual overall crime rate (number of crimes per 100,000 population) from 1980 to 2021


Information on Societies Ordinance (Cap. 151)


Crime situation of Kowloon City District from 1992 to 2021


Crime situation of Kwun Tong, Sham Shui Po, Wong Tai Sin and Yau Tsim Mong Districts from 1992 to 2021


  1. Method of recording of crime and compilation of crime statistics
  2. Number of reported cases by types of crime and Police District from 2010 to 2021
  3. Number of reported crime cases and persons arrested for crime by Police District in 2020
  4. Number of persons arrested for crime by Police District and Age Group from 2010 to June 2021
  5. Number of reported crime cases and overall crime rate by Police district in 2021


  1. Number of reported cases by crime type and Police District from 2020 to 2021
  2. Number of reported crime cases and overall crime rate by Police district in 2021


  1. Number of reported crime cases and overall crime rate by Police district in 2021
  2. Number of reported crime cases and persons arrested by Police District in 2021


  1. Prosecution figures of Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) and Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I) since 2020
  2. Information on recordable offences


Monthly figures of fixed penalty tickets issued against parking contraventions at Flower Market Road, Yuen Ngai Street and Yuen Po Street from January 2020 to October 2022


Historical information about the “M1 Carbine”


Information about Police Driving and Traffic Training Centre


Information about the response procedure upon receipt of email from the public by the Hong Kong Police Force


Overall crime figures in Wong Tai Sin District in the past five years, crime figures by type and age distribution of offenders in Wong Tai Sin District in 2021


Number of cases and arrested person for clandestine photography (under-skirt photo-taking) in the Railway District, the offence of voyeurism, unlawful recording or observation of intimate parts, publication of images originating from the two aforementioned offences, as well as publication or threatened publication of intimate images without consent in Hong Kong from January to September 2022


Application figures of Playing Musical Instrument Permit in Public Street or Road in the past 10 years


Method of applying for Security Personnel Permit


Information in relation to police dogs


Statistics of prosecution for presenting the others’ vaccination records


Number of fixed penalty tickets issued by the Police for illegally parked vehicles in the Happy Valley area from January to September 2022


Information about Chapters 21 and 76 of the Police General Order

Reference number Information requested and released


Information about establishment and strength of Armourer, Force Welfare Officer, Junior Police Officer, Police Communications Officer, Police Inspector/Superintendent, Police Telecommunications Inspector, Police Translator and Traffic Warden


Information about case involving male sex workers


Number of arrests related to illegal acts during the serious violent incidents in 2019


Crime statistics by types of crime and by Police District from 2004 to 2022


Monthly crime statistics by types of crime and by Police District from 2004 to 2022


Crime statistics and information related to clandestine photo-taking and voyeurism


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Information on recordable offences


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 1990 to 2021


Number of Genuine Firearms Seized by Police from 2015 to June 2022


Number of persons arrested by crime type and age group from 2019 to 2021


Information about Fingerprint Form template


Crime Situation for Selected Police Districts from January 2022 to June 2022


Number of persons arrested over aged 60 arrested for crime from 2020 to June 2022


Arrest figures relating to the serious violence in 2019 (breakdown by month, sex and age)


  1. Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 1990 to August 2022
  2. Number of the issuance of Certificates of No Criminal Conviction from 2016 to August 2022


Number of Fixed Penalty Tickets Against Moving Offences (Pol. 570) and Parking Contraventions (Pol. 525) by types of offences between 2018 and 2022


Information about a reported case in Central District


Information relating to the driving of police vehicles and motorcycles by police officers


Number of illegal parking cases involving Route Nos. 101M, 102 and 102B minibuses and the overall number of prosecutions against unlawful acts involving minibuses


Number of law enforcement actions conducted by the Police against illegal parking in a specified location in Tseung Kwan O District


Number of illegal parking cases involving Route Nos. 113 and 102 minibuses and the overall number of prosecutions against unlawful acts involving minibuses


List of all Registered Societies


  1. Number of applications for money lenders licence rejected in accordance with section 9(4) and 11 of the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap.163) from 2016 to 17 Oct 2021
  2. Information on recordable offences
  3. Policy and procedure in handling money lenders related issues
  4. Figures of crime committed in the whole HKSAR, Kowloon West Region and Sham Shui Po District from 2011 to 2020


The statistics on enforcement actions in relation to the mandatory requirements of using the LeaveHomeSafe mobile app and wearing masks in public places


The retention period of keeping the recordings of 999 calls and in what circumstances such recordings are destroyed


Promotion figures of various ranks between 2018 and 2022 (from Chief Inspector of Police to Chief Superintendent of Police)


Complaint figures on illegal parking and street obstruction at Hai Tan Street and Kweilin Street between January and May 2022 and the long-term improvement plans and strategies of the issues


Number of persons reported missing and the proportion of which were under the age of 18 between 2018 and 2021

Reference number Information requested and released


Information on recordable offences


Information about case involving male sex workers


  1. Number of reported cases and persons arrested for clandestine taking of indecent photos in public places from January to 7 October 2021
  2. Number of reported cases and persons arrested involving Voyeurism and related offences from 8 October 2021 to February 2022
  3. Number of reported cases and persons arrested for clandestine taking of indecent photos by using cameras or mobile phones with built-in photo-taking function in Railway District from 2021 to March 2022


Information about Fingerprint Form template


Number of reported cases by crime type and Police District from 2003 to 2021


Number of child sexual abuse cases in 2021


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2012 to June 2021


Number of reported cases and persons arrested for clandestine taking of indecent photos in public places and voyeurism and related offences in the past 5 years


Number of reported cases by crime type and Police District from July 2021 to March 2022


The maintenance reports of a Speed Enforcement Camera at Hung Hom Road in January and March 2022


Information about the fixed penalty tickets issued by HKPF under Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I), Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) Regulation (Cap. 599L) and Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance (Cap. 240) between July 2020 and March 2022


Number of Fixed Penalty Tickets Against Moving Offences (Pol. 570) and Parking Contraventions (Pol. 525) in Hong Kong and at Tim Fuk Road between 2018 and 2022 by types of offences


Information about police investigation in relation to an event held at a school on 10 December 2021


Figures on enforcement actions relating to obstructions in public places


Number of reported cases and persons arrested for under-skirt clandestine photo-taking by using cameras or mobile phones with built-in photo-taking function in Railway District in 2021


Information about sexual violence crime against female in MTR stations from 2017 to 2021


  1. Number of notifiable but not notified Public Order Events (POE) (including public meeting and public procession) held in 2021
  2. Number of POE related arrests and prosecutions in 2021
  3. Number of “Occupy Central Movement”, “Mongkok Riot” and “Serious riots in 2019” related arrests and prosecutions as at 2022-02-28
  4. Number of POEs being issued with Letter of No Objection in 2021
  5. Number of POEs being prohibited/ objected in 2021
  6. Reason(s) for the increase of Public Meetings between 2020 and 2021


  1. Number of Public Order Events (POE) held from 1997 to 2011 and from January to April 2022
  2. Number of persons arrested and prosecuted in relation to POEs from 1997 to April 2022
  3. Number of cases and number of persons arrested for the “Offence Against Public Order” from 1997 to April 2022
  4. Number of POEs objected or prohibited from 1997 to April 2022


  1. Number of Public Order Events (POE) with Letter of No Objection issued from June 2019 to January 2020
  2. Number of “anti-Fugitive Offenders Ordinance amendment” related POEs with Letter of No Objection issued from June 2019 to January 2020
  3. Number of notifiable but not notified POEs from June 2019 to January 2020
  4. Locations where a notification to Police is required for holding public meetings/ processions


Number of Public Order Events being issued with Letter of No Objection between 1997 and April 2022


Information about police barges in the waters of Hong Kong


Statistics on enforcement action in relation to the mandatory requirement to use LeaveHomeSafe mobile app under the Prevention & Control of Disease (Requirements & Directions) (Business & Premises) Regulation


Number of female officers at different ranks


Figures related to the recruitment of Inspector of Police and number of Inspector / Senior Inspector resigned from 2016 to 2021


  1. Figures related to the recruitment of Inspector of Police in 2022
  2. Number of Inspector / Senior Inspector resigned in 2022
  3. Establishment of police officers at various ranks (Inspector to Chief Superintendent) in May 2022


  1. Strength of police officers at various ranks (Inspector to Chief Superintendent) in May 2022
  2. Number of police officers (Inspector to Chief Superintendent) resigned from 2016 to 2022


Assessment forms and selection criteria relating to the recruitment of Inspector of Police


Number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in HKPF


Traffic accident involving injuries / death of pedestrians for 18 districts from 2017 to 2021


Information related to a death case at Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre


Information about two reported cases in Tuen Mun District


Offender figures of Tsuen Wan District

Reference number Information requested and released


Figures of Traffic Accident Damage Only from 2019 to 2021


Figures of Traffic Accident Damage Only from 2000 to 2009


Information about policy of the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill on handling of traffic accident involving cats and dogs


Wastage figures of police officers and the satisfaction of the public towards Hong Kong Police Force since 2010


Prosecution figures of Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) and Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I) since 2020


Information about traffic enforcement regarding public minibuses in Yuen Long from October 2021 to March 2022


Number of reported cases of theft of bicycle by Police District and detected cases of theft of bicycle in Hong Kong from 2020 to November 2021


Number of child sexual abuse cases from 2016 to 2021


  1. Number of technology crime cases by types of crime from 2011 to 2021
  2. Figures of the establishment of the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau since 2015


Information on recordable offences


Information about the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance


Number of identity card check during “stop and search” from 2017 to 2021


Number of reported cases by crime type and Police District from 2020 to 2021


Number of reported cases for rape and overall crime from 2011 to 2020


  1. Number of non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) arrested by crime type, age group and gender from 2003 to 2021
  2. Number of identity card check from 2012 to 2021
  3. Number of NEC working in the Police Force in February 2022


Number of persons arrested and the total amount of cash and betting slips seized for “Illegal Gambling” from 2021 to January 2022


Number of reported crime cases and overall crime rate by Police district in 2021


Arrest figures relating to the serious violence in 2019 (breakdown by month, sex and age)


Number of reported cases for Domestic Violence (Crimes) and Domestic Violence (Miscellaneous) by Police District in 2021


Number of reported cases for Domestic Violence (Crimes) and Domestic Violence (Miscellaneous) from 2011 to 2021


Information about banner display policy and “Project LIGHTUP”


Information about investigation in relation to an event held at a private housing estate on 15 December 2021


Number of fixed penalty tickets and summons issued on 12 September 2021


Information about the Intelligent Traffic Enforcement Robot


Information about a reported case in Tai Po District


Information about illegal parking in a specified location in Sheung Shui


Information about theft of bicycle in Tai Po District from 2019 to 2021 by month and the number of prosecution after being arrested

Reference number Information requested and released


Number of rescue requests received / rescues conducted by the Marine Police in Sai Kung from October 2019 to December 2020 and from October 2020 to September 2021


  1. Number of notifiable but not notified Public Order Events (POEs) held from 2020 to August 2021
  2. Number of POE-related arrests and prosecutions from 2020 to August 2021
  3. Number of POEs being issued with Letter of No Objection from 2020 to August 2021
  4. Number of prohibited public meetings and objected public processions from 2020 to August 2021


Number of staff responsible to the regulation of and licensing of money lenders


Number of applications for money lenders licence rejected in accordance with section 9(4) and 11 of the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap.163) from 2016 to 17 Oct 2021


Number of applications for money lenders licence rejected from 2019 to 17 Oct 2021


Information about public meetings and public processions in 2019


Information about recruitment and pay scales of Police officers


Information about banner display policy


Information on recordable offences


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2017 to September 2021


Policy and procedure in handling money lenders related issues


Number of Domestic Violence (Crimes) and Domestic Violence (Miscellaneous) cases from 2016 to 2020


Number of "checking of identification documents" and "stop and search" conducted in 2020


Figures of Technology Crime committed in the past 10 years in Hong Kong


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from January to November 2021


Figures of crime committed in the whole HKSAR, Kowloon West Region and Sham Shui Po District from 2011 to 2020


Figures of burglary in Mid-Levels, Central from 2019 to November 2021


Information about training of the Animal Crime Police Teams


Figures of theft of motor cycle in Tuen Mun District


  1. Number of reported cases involving clandestine taking of indecent photos from 2015 to 2020 (including the number in the Railway District in 2020)
  2. Number of persons arrested for clandestine taking of indecent photos in 2020 (including the number in the Railway District)
  3. Number of reported cases involving indecent assault and under-skirt photo-taking in the railway system from 2013 to September 2020
  4. (i) Number of public order events held with Letter of No Objection in 2020
    (ii) Number of public order events objected or prohibited in 2020
    (iii) Number of persons arrested and prosecuted in relation to public order events from January to November 2020
    (iv) Number of public order events held without prior notice from 2001 to 2020
  5. Information about the Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme
  6. (i) Number of arrested youths being administered a caution under Police Superintendent’s Discretion Scheme and the recidivism rate of such juveniles from 2015 to 2020
    (ii) Number of persons aged 65 or above arrested for criminal offences and number of which being dealt with by way of Chief Superintendent of Police’s discretion from 2015 to 2020
Reference number Information requested and released


Information about a reported case in Tuen Mun District


Information about a quotation for provision of toner


Information about tender documents for supply of cloth materials, uniform and accoutrements  


Boundary maps and crime data of Sham Shui Po District and Yuen Long District between 2015 and 2020


Information about a reported case in Sham Shui Po District


Number of reported cases by crime type and Police District from 2019 to March 2020


Information on recordable offences


  1. Number of Crimes involving Cannabis handled by Hong Kong Police Force from 2010 to 2020
  2. Number of the annual seizure of Cannabis in Hong Kong
  3. Definition of serious drug and minor drug offences


Number of Application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2019 to June 2021


Number of Application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2012 to November 2020


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Number of Application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2017 to 2018


  1. Number of reported cases by type of crime from 2010 to June 2021
  2. Overall crime rate of Hong Kong from 2010 to 2020


Role of Anti-Deception Coordination Centre in handling of telephone deception case


Number of Application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction in July 2021


Number of Application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from January to July 2021


Number of Application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2017 to July 2021


Number of reported cases and persons arrested for Assault on Police from 1997 to August 2020


The Rules and Directions for Questioning of Suspects and the Taking of Statements


  1. Number of persons arrested for crime by Police District and Age Group from 2010 to June 2021
  2. Number of reported crime cases by Police District from 2010 to June 2021
  3. Number of reported cases by crime type and Police District from 2010 to June 2021


Information about establishment and strength and past recruitment exercises


Figures of various types of crime committed in Railway District between 2017 and 2020


Number of persons aged 16 or below reported missing and still not found from 2015 to July 2021

Reference number Information requested and released


Number of traffic accident reports in 2020


Information about a reported case in Tai Po District


Information about a reported case in Tai Po District


Information about a reported case in Tai Po District


Information about a reported case in Tai Po District in December 2020


Information about a reported case in Tuen Mun District


Information about two reported cases in Tuen Mun District


Information about a reported case in Tuen Mun District


Information about cases and complaints related to gambling


Information about reports of crime at an educational institution from January to June 2020


Crime figures of Sham Shui Po District and Yuen Long District from 2015 to 2020


  1. Number of Public Order Events held from 1997 to 2010
  2. Number of Public Order Events issued with Letter of No Objection from 1997 to 2020


Information about Public Meetings or Public Processions on 1 July 2016, 1 July 2017 and 1 July 2018


Information about Public Meetings or Public Processions on 1 July 2019


Information about a reported case in Kwun Tong District


Investigation result regarding a reported missing person case in Kwun Tong District


Information about a reported case in Kwun Tong District


Historical information about the “Webley Revolvers” and “Bren Gun”


Historical information about the “M1 Carbine”


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from January to March 2021


Information about recordable offences


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2017 to March 2021


Number of reported cases on Social Media Deception in 2020


New formations established under two departments of the Hong Kong Police Force from 2014 to 2021 and their functions


Information about the handling of complaints related to Money Lenders Ordinance


Policies and procedures in handling domestic violence cases


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from January to April 2021


Number of reported cases on Cyber Child Pornography and statutory penalties from 2019 to 2020


Number of reported crime cases and persons arrested for crime by Police District in 2020


Number of reported cases, persons arrested and amount seized for “Bookmaking” from 2011 to 2020


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2017 to May 2021


Information relating to illegal parking in a specified location in Yuen Long District in 2021


Information about a reported case in Yau Tsim District in 2020

Reference number Information requested and released


Crime statistics of Kowloon City District and Sau Mau Ping District in 2020


Historical information about a retired revolver


Information about two reported cases in Tuen Mun District


Information about a reported case in Tuen Mun District


Number of reported cases and persons arrested for clandestine taking of indecent photos in the Railway District in 2020


Information about Police Tactical Unit and Counter Terrorism Response Unit


Crime Statistics of Kowloon Bay and To Kwa Wan from 2019 to 2020


  1. Number of public order events held with Letter of No Objection in 2020
  2. Number of public order events objected or prohibited in 2020
  3. Number of persons arrested and prosecuted in relation to public order events from January to November 2020
  4. Number of public order events held without prior notice from 2001 to 2020


Information about the Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme


Statistics of traffic accidents happened on Kai Chiu Road from 2018 to 2021


Information about Police Welfare Fund


Information about a reported case in Kwun Tong District


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 1998 to February 2020


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Information about recordable offences


Number of persons arrested for Violent Crime and Overall Crime by age group from 2010 to 2019


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2010 to 2020


Number of reported cases, loss amount and age range of victims of romance scam from 2019 to October 2020


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from November 2020 to January 2021


Number of persons arrested by Police Region and age group in 2020


Number of reported cases of internet deception in 2020


Number of reported cases and persons arrested for clandestine taking of indecent photos in 2020


Information about Police Superintendent’s Discretion Scheme


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from January 2021 to February 2021


Number of reported cases of Burglary and Robbery in residential premises from 2019 to 2020


  1. Number of reported cases and the loss amount of e-Shopping Fraud from 2016 to 2020
  2. Police’s strategy in combating Online Fraud, promotion on preventing deception and the statutory penalties stipulated in related legislation



Number of reported cases for Domestic Violence (Crimes) and Domestic Violence (Miscellaneous) by Police District from 2016 to 2020


  1. Number of persons arrested for Offences Against Public Order from 1997 to 2020
  2. Number of Prohibited Public Meeting and Objected Public Procession from 1997 to 2020



Number of reported cases, loss amount, age range and the sex ratio of victims of romance scam from 2014 to 2020


  1. Number of persons aged 65 or above who were arrested and dealt with by way of Chief Superintendent of Police’s discretion from 2010 to 2020
  2. Number of persons aged 65 or above who were arrested for criminal offences by gender from 2003 to 2020



  1. Number of arrested youths being dealt with by way of administering a caution under Police Superintendent’s Discretion Scheme and the recidivism rate of such juveniles from 2015 to 2020
  2. Number of persons aged 65 or above who were arrested for criminal offences and number of those who were dealt with by way of Chief Superintendent of Police’s discretion from 2015 to 2020



Organizational structure of Tin Shui Wai Division


  1. Overall crime rate of Wong Tai Sin District in the past 5 years
  2. Crime rate by crime type of Wong Tai Sin District in 2020
  3. Age distribution of persons arrested of Wong Tai Sin District in 2020 



  1. Number of persons arrested and prosecuted in relation to public order events from 1997 to 2019
  2. Number of public order events held from 1997 to 2008 and 2019
  3. Number of public order events held with Letter of No Objection and public order events prohibited or objected from 1997 to 2019
  4. Number of cases and number of persons arrested for the Offence Against Public Order from 1997 to 2019


Information about handling trafficking in persons and exploitation of Foreign Domestic Helper

Reference number Information requested and released


Annual number of Fixed Penalty Tickets issued against illegal parking and prosecutions against other traffic related offences in Tsuen Wan District since 2010


Information about police uniform


Information about suspected use of non-official communication device by police officers


Information about two reported cases in Tuen Mun District


Information about two reported cases in Tuen Mun District


Information about a reported case in Tuen Mun District


  1. Number of Letter of No Objection issued for public order events in 2019
  2. Number of public meetings or public procession prohibited or objected in 2019
  3. Number of public order events from 1997 to 2008 and in 2019


Number of Letter of No Objection issued for public order events from 1997 to 2009


Number of objection to an application for a money lender licence in accordance with sections 9(4) and 11 of the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap. 163) from 2016 to 2020


The number of public order events recorded and number of public order events objected or prohibited from 2018 to 2020


Prosecution figure of unlawful lottery under section 9 of the Gambling Ordinance (Cap. 148) from 2015 to 2020


Information about a lost or stolen case in Tai Po District


Investigation result regarding a reported case in Tai Po District


Information about the debt collection agent(s) regarding a reported case in Tai Po District


Enforcement figure of code 19 under regulation 43 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374) (i.e. “sounding auditable warning device necessarily”) from 2010 to 2019


  1. Monthly figure of inspection cases and fixed penalty tickets issued under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599 G) from March to December 2020
  2. Monthly figures of inspection cases and fixed penalty tickets issued under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599 I) from July to December 2020


Information including date, time and exact location of the fixed penalty tickets issued under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599 I) from August to November 2020


Detection rates of Sham Shui Po District, Tsuen Wan District and Tin Shui Wai Division from 2017 to 2019


Number of reported cases involving indecent assault and under-skirt photo-taking in the railway system from 2013 to September 2020


Number of reported cases involving under-skirt photo-taking within and outside the railway system from 2010 to 2019


Number of reported cases and persons arrested for clandestine photography (under-skirt photo-taking) in the Railway District from June to October 2020


Number of disabled persons recruited by the Hong Kong Police Force from 2015 to 2020


Number of persons arrested during the Amendment of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance-related incidents from June 2019 to August 2020     


Number of reported crime cases by crime type and Police District/Division from 2017 to June 2019


Number of reported cases by crime type and Police District in 2019


Number of reported cases of Compensated Dating Scam and Online Naked Chat Blackmail from 2016 to June 2020


Number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2018 to September 2020


Information about recordable offences


  1. Number of reported cases of unlawful sexual intercourse with victims under the age of 16 from 2015 to August 2020
  2. Number of persons arrested for unlawful sexual intercourse by age group from 2015 to August 2020


Information about domestic violence crime during the COVID-19 epidemic


Information about recordable offences


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Number of persons arrested for Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs in the past 10 years


Number of reported cases and persons arrested for Assault on Police from 1997 to August 2020


Number of reported cases involving clandestine taking of indecent photos from 2015 to August 2020


  1. Number of reported cases from 2000 to 2019
  2. Number of reported cases and loss amount of romance scam from 2014 to August 2020


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


  1. Total number of persons arrested for crime from 2015 to September 2020
  2. Number of non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime and number of non-ethnic Chinese on recognizance arrested for crime from 2015 to September 2020


Information about forensic examination of audio recording during police investigation


Number of reported crime cases with foreign domestic helpers being victims and their employers being offenders from 2018 to September 2020


  1. Number of persons arrested by crime type, age group and sex from 2016 to 2018
  2. Number of reported crime cases and crime rate by Police Region and District from 2014 to 2018
  3. Number of persons arrested for triad-related crimes from 2010 to 2019.
  4. Number of youths arrested by crime type and sex from 2010 to 2019


  1. Number of reported cases and persons arrested involving clandestine taking of indecent photos from June to September 2020
  2. Number of reported cases and persons arrested for under-skirt clandestine photo-taking by using cameras or mobile phones with built-in photo-taking function in Railway District from June to October 2020


Number of applications for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2012 to November 2020


Information about recordable offences


Reported crime cases at a premises in Wanchai District from 28 May 2019 to 2 June 2019


Number of Traffic accidents involving person injured or damage only in Tsuen Wan District from 2015 to 2020


Information about procurement of electronic locker from 2017 to 2020


Information about Cross Border Farming Permit

Reference number Information requested and released


Information of a reported case in Airport District


Information about statistics on annual crime rate and violent crime rate for Tsuen Wan District since 2010


Since the commencement of the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation in 29 March 2020:

  1. The number of notice of intention to hold a public meeting/public procession received by Hong Kong Police Force under section 8 and section 13A of Public Order Ordinance
  2. The number of Letter of No Objection issued in accordance to section 11 and section 15 of the Public Order Ordinance
  3. The number of public meetings and public processions prohibited and objected in accordance to section 9 and section 14 of the Public Order Ordinance, and the grounds of prohibition/objection


The figure of fixed penalty tickets issued at traffic black spots in Tai Po Market from May to July 2020


Information about the donations to Police Welfare Fund


Figures on the establishment of Hong Kong Police Force from January to June 2020


Number of reported cases involving under-skirt photo-taking that took place at the railway system between 2010 and 2019 and the number of people arrested involving under-skirt photo-taking between January to June 2020


Type and number of reported cases on sexual offence that took place at the railway system between 2017 and 2020


Information on Police Tactical Unit


Information on criminal procedures 


  1. Number of reported cases and persons arrested for taking of indecent photos from 2010 to May 2020
  2. Number of reported cases and persons arrested for under-skirt photo-taking by using cameras or mobile phones with built-in photo-taking function in Railway District from 2010 to May 2020



Statistics on applications for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from July 2018 to June 2020


  1. Number of persons arrested for crime from 2010 to 2019
  2. Number of Non-Ethnic Chinese arrested for crime by gender from 2010 to 2019
  3. Number of Non-Ethnic Chinese arrested for crime by age group from 2010 to 2019
  4. Number of Non-Ethnic Chinese arrested for crime by Police Region from 2010 to 2019



Number of reported cases by types of crime and Police District from 2019 to March 2020


Information on National Anthem Ordinance


Information on recordable offences


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Number of reported cases and the loss amount of email scam (Corporate Level) from 2013 to 2019


Number of reported cases with foreign domestic helpers being victims from 2013 to 2020


Information on recordable offences


Statistics on applications for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2018 to August 2020


Crime statistics, overall crime rate, violent crime rate and number of persons arrested for crime in Tsuen Wan Police District, Sham Shui Po Police District and Yuen Long Police District from 2017 to 2019


  1. Number of reported cases by types of crime and month from 1997 to 2018
  2. Number of persons arrested by types of crime and month from 2003 to 2018



Number of reported cases and detected cases involving theft of motorcycles in 2020


Information on Cannabidiol Oil seized in Hong Kong


Number of reported cases and detected cases of miscellaneous thefts occurring in entertainment premises by Police District from 2014 to 2019


Statistics on the number of arrests during the protests by Police District from 9 June 2019 to 15 September 2020


Statistics on applications for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2017 to August 2020

Reference number Information requested and released


  1. The number of public meetings being prohibited by Hong Kong Police Force in 2017 and 2018
  2. The number of public processions being objected to by Hong Kong Police Force in 2017 and 2018


The number of societies established under the Societies Ordinance (Cap. 151) from 1997 to 2020


The number of objections for the application of money lenders licence made by Hong Kong Police Force in 2019 and 2020 (up to 1 May 2020)


  1. The number of registered societies and societies exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance from 2016 to 2019
  2. The number of public meetings and processions from 2016 to 2019
  3. The number of person arrested during public meeting and procession from 2016 to 2019
  4. The number of prosecuted cases in respect of public meeting and procession from 2016 to 2019
  5. The number of person prosecuted under Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245) in respect of public meeting and procession from 2016 to 2018
  6. The number of person prosecuted under Police Force Ordinance (Cap. 232) (Section 63 - Penalty on person assaulting, etc. police officer in execution of duty, or misleading officer by false information) in respect of public meeting and procession from 2016 to 2018
  7. The number of person prosecuted under Offences Against The Person Ordinance (Cap. 212) (Section 36 - Assault with intent to commit offence, or on police officer, etc.) in respect of public meeting and procession from 2016 to 2018
  8. The number of public meeting prohibited and procession objected from 2016 to 2019
  9. The number of public order events (public meetings and public processions) involving prosecutions from 2016 to 2018


Information about reports of crime at an educational institution and its dorm from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019


Information about the agreed and notified temporary traffic arrangements within the territory submitted by engineering companies for their works in March 2020


The total number of illegal parking Fixed Penalty Tickets issued in 2019


Information about locations of red light camera and speeding enforcement camera installed in Hong Kong


The number of Speed Enforcement Camera cases in a specific location during a specific period


Statistics relating to the recent social events


Information about general arrangement on the posting and promotion of police officers


  1. Statistics on Traffic Accidents Damage Only (TADO), Traffic Accidents with Person Injury (TAPI) (minor) and TAPI (serious) and fatal accidents reported to Hong Kong Police Force in 2019
  2. The traffic accident figures for a specific location including TADO, TAPI (minor) and TAPI (serious) and fatal accidents from 2016 to 2019


The number of reported cases involving under skirt photo-taking which took place at railway between 2015 and 2020


  1. Establishment and strength of Armourer Grade and Force Welfare Officer Grade
  2. Information about the recruitment of Armourer III and Assistant Force Welfare Officer in 2017


Information about the operations conducted by the Government for riding on footpaths and illegally parked bicycles in specific locations over the past 24 months


The number of complaints or cases reported regarding a specific bar


The number of reported cases for wounding and serious assault involving foreign domestic helpers being the victims and their employers being the offenders and the age range of victims from 2010 to 2019


  1. The number of police officers injured in operations in connection with “anti-extradition amendment bill” related incidents
  2. Arrest figures of “anti-extradition amendment bill” related incidents (breakdown by arrest month, sex and age)


  1. The number of cases on clandestine taking of indecent photos from 2015 to February 2020
  2. The number of cases on under skirt clandestine photo-taking which took place at railway from 2015 to March 2020
  3. Information of cases involving clandestine taking of indecent photos in public places and the statutory penalties stipulated in related legislation


Arrest figures of “anti-extradition amendment bill” related incidents (breakdown by sex and age)


The number of reported cases by crime type and Police District from 2017 to 2019


Arrest figures of “anti-extradition amendment bill” related incidents


The number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 1998 to April 2020


The number of persons aged 10 to 25 arrested by crime type and age group from June 2019 to March 2020


The number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from January 2019 to May 2020


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Information about crime investigation procedures


Statistics on “anti-extradition amendment bill” related incidents


Information about Fingerprint Form template


Information about Telephone Deception


  1. The number of reported crime cases by Police District from 2012 to March 2020
  2. Method of recording of crime and compilation of crime statistics


Crime statistics of “Illegal Occupy Movement” in 2014


The number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 1998 to May 2020


Information on method of recording of crime


Information on the operations of Hong Kong Police Force

Entry / Reference number Information requested and released


Information relating to the Hong Kong Police Force 175th Anniversary Open Day held on 12 January 2020


Information about territory-wide illegal parking figures for 2019 and enforcement on illegal parking


  • The number of drivers being conducted random breath test by the police between 2015 and 2019
  • Total number of random breath test conducted by the police between 2015 and 2019
  • The established quota requirement for the police to conduct random breath test per year


Traffic laws and related information for police drivers


The number of police cars which have car cameras and information about police drivers


Information about reports of crime at specific locations of a university campus and a hotel


  • The figures on police officers who entered the Hong Kong Police College for training and the number of graduates
  • The number of police officers by quarter


Information on the post-retirement employment of police officers


Procedures in handling Data Access Request under The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance


Information to be included in the Record of Service and Personal Files


The number of reported cases involving under skirt clandestine photo-taking which took place on the railways from 2013 to April 2018


Statistics of public meetings and public processions from 1998 to 2019


The list of all societies and branches registered or exempted from registration from 2013 to 2019


Total number of societies registered or exempted from registration under section 11(1) of the Societies Ordinance (Cap. 151) from 2010 to 2019


  • Statistics on public order events for 1997 to 2008 and 2019
  • Annual breakdown on the number of cases with Letter of No Objection and rejected applications from 1997 to 2019
  • The number of “unlawful assembly” cases (unlawful public procession events)
  • The number of arrests for “unlawful assembly”


  • Statistics of public assemblies / marches taken place in 2019
  • The number of Letter of No Objection granted in 2019
  • The number of occasions where Letter of No Objection was not granted in 2019


Information on the recruitment of Police Communications Officer in 2019


Information about sourcing translation and interpretation service


  • Establishment and strength of the Police Inspector and Superintendent Grade, Junior Police Officer Grade, Traffic Warden Grade, Police Translator Grade and Police Communications Officer Grade
  • Information on the recruitment of Police Translator II in 2016, the recruitment of Police Communications Officer in 2017 and the recruitment of Traffic Warden in 2018


Information on recordable offences


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Information on sex industry in Hong Kong


The number of reported crime cases and crime rate by Police Region and District from 2014 to 2018


Information on Criminal Conviction Data


The number of persons arrested from 2016 to 2018 by crime type, age group and sex


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Information on child abuse cases in Hong Kong


Information on recordable offences


The number of victims of “murder and manslaughter” from 2003 to 2019 by sex and age group


The number of application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 1998 to February 2020


Crime situation and statistics of overall crime in Hong Kong


The number of persons arrested for serious and minor drug offences in 2019


Information about application for inclusion in the supplier lists of Hong Kong Police Force


Information on the operations of Hong Kong Police Force

Entry / Reference number Information requested and released


Number of traffic related cases at Hung Lai Road in 2019


The entry requirement (academic qualifications) for police officers


Information on the four staff associations of Hong Kong Police Force


Information on injury cases of police officers during front-line operations since August 2019


Procedures of sourcing translation and interpretation service


Information on the part-time interpreter recruitment interview assessment


Information on the recruitment of Police Communications Officers in 2019


Establishment and strength of civilian staff


Statistics on cycling on pedestrian pavement and statistics on pedestrian walking on cycling path in 2019


Statistics relating to Electric Mobility Device enforcement between 2008 and 2019


Crime figures and types in Tai Po District and Sheung Shui Division


Information relating to burglary cases in Tin Ping Shan Tsuen and traffic accidents that occurred between Tin Ping Shan Tsuen and Lee Chi Tat Memorial School between 2016 and 2019


Name and date of establishment for all Registered Societies


The number of public meetings and public processions with
1) Notice of Objection
2) Notice of No Objection
issued from 2016 to 2018


Information about type of complaint cases and prosecution cases of Money Lenders Licence


Number of public processions from January 2019 to November 2019 and the riot and crime figures from January 2019 to October 2019


Statistics on Employment Fraud, Investment Fraud, Telephone Deception, Online Romance Scam and Email Scam between 2018 and August 2019


Crime rate by Police District in 2016


  1. Crime rate by Police District from 2014 to 2018
  2. Detection rate by Police District from 2014 to September 2019
  3. Overall crime figure and detection rate of Hong Kong from 1997 to September 2019


Statistics on operations against illegal gambling from 2001 to September 2019


Statistics on application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


  1. The overall crime rate by Police District from 2015 to 2018
  2. The violent crime rate by Police District from 2015 to 2018
  3. The crime rate for robbery by Police District from 2015 to 2018
  4. The crime rate for burglary by Police District from 2015 to 2018


Arrest Figures of the Amendment of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance related incidents from 9 June to October 2019


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Crime figure by Police District and by type of crime from 2009 to 2018


Information on Cannabidiol oil in Hong Kong


Procedure of acquiring supplies, including services of all kinds, and application procedure for a supplier to be included in the supplier lists


Crime figures committed on the MTR between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2018


Crime figures committed on the MTR in Tseung Kwan O and Ma On Shan Line between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2018


Information on the format of correspondence with the public


Information on the classification of documents


Number of complaints and Code on Access to Information applications received by Railway District in the past five years


Information of the Access to Information Officer in Railway District


Crime data of Sham Shui Po District between 2016 and 2018

Entry / Reference number Information requested and released


Locations of red light camera and speeding enforcement camera installed in Hong Kong


Strength distribution in Tsuen Wan District


Information of public meetings and public processions with Police’s notification on 1 July 2018 and 1 October 2018


Information of a Registered Society


Information of a Registered Society


  1. The numbers of Probationary Inspectors (PIs) and Recruit Police Constables (RPCs) of the last three courses who had completed the foundation training
  2. The numbers of PIs and RPCs under training at the time of enquiry


Information of overtime work of police officers


Number of resigned police officers since 9 June 2019


Information of donation to Hong Kong Police Force since 1 January 2019


Information on the penalty to police officers who speak offensive language during duty


Number of special constables appointed in accordance to Section 40 of Public Order Ordinance since 1 June 2019


Number of serving police officers who graduated from the Diploma Yi Jin Programme


Statistics regarding the recruitment of police officers since 2017


Information of the Police District that a Police Officer is attached to


Crime data of Sham Shui Po District between August and September 2019


Post titles and Establishment of Civil Service posts in Lantau District


Numbers of arrested person in Tai Po District in the past 10 years


The entry requirements for Police Translator II


Statistics related to telephone deception


Location of Speeding Enforcement Camera installed in Hong Kong


Organization Chart of Operations Wing and Support Wing


Information on Government Vacancies published by Hong Kong Police Force


Number of tenders received of four tenders


1. Strength of the Hong Kong Police Force from 1997 to 2018
2. Budget and Expenditure of the Hong Kong Police Force from 2000 to 2018


Number of Non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime from 2006 to 2018


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Information on recordable offences


Information on the international trading scam


Number of reported cases and persons arrested for sexual offences from January 2010 to June 2019


Information on the funded technology projects of the Hong Kong Police Force


Statistics on application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2017 to August 2019


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Number of reported crime cases by types of crime  and Police District/Division from 2017 to June 2019


Statistics on application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from January to August 2019


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Number of persons arrested for serious and minor drug offences from 2017 to 2018


Information on the operations between July and August 2019

Reference number Information requested and released


Information on identification parades



Number of reported crime cases by Police District in 2018


Information of a reported case in Airport District


Quantity and price for previous tender supply of cloth material for shirt and trousers to the Hong Kong Police Force


Number of registered societies or societies which are exempted from registration in accordance with the Societies Ordinance


Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from December 2014 to March 2019


Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from December 2014 to March 2019


The Unique Identification number of a Police Officer of Shum Shui Po District


Application method for interview for academic research


Information related to the structure and scope of work of Police Public Relations Branch


  1. Number of cases on clandestine taking of indecent photos from 2013 to April 2018
  2. Number of cases on under skirt clandestine photo-taking which took place at railway from 2013 to April 2018



The number of staff assigned to the Societies Office & Money Lenders Licensing Section


Number of cases on clandestine taking of indecent photos and under skirt clandestine photo-taking which took place at railway from 2014 to February 2019


Crime information and trend in Tsuen Wan District


Information on recordable offences


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Number of Non-ethnic Chinese arrested by crime, age group, sex and Police District from 2013 to 2018


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


  1. Number of Offenders aged 65 or above being dealt with by way of Police Chief Superintendent’s discretion from 2010 to 2018
  2. Number of Offenders aged 65 or above arrested for crime by gender from 2010 to 2018


  1. Number of reported cases, the loss amount and the age range of victims of romance scam from 2015 to 2018
  2. Number of reported cases and the loss amount of email scam from 2014 to 2018
  3. Number of reported cases and the loss amount of investment fraud from 2015 to 2018


Number of victims of murder and manslaughter from 2015 to April 2019 (aged 0-19)


Information on Traffic Accident Damage Only reported to police between 2010 and 2018


Examination report of motor vehicle in a traffic accident

Reference number Information requested and released


Information of a reported case in Airport District


  1. Statistics about Administration Officer and Executive Officer serving as Auxiliary Police member
  2. Duties of Auxiliary Police member to perform except patrol and crowd management


Statistics of Public Order Events and number of Registered Societies from 1997 to 2017


(1) Number of rallies held, marches held, people arrested in rallies or marches, people prosecuted after arrest in rallies or marches in 2017
(2) Number of people arrested for public order offences from 1997 to 2017


Number of licensed pawnbrokers in Hong Kong


Crime rate of Tai Kok Tsui area


Method on seeking assistance from the HKPF to conduct surveys, interviews, focus groups or the like in the HKPF for academic purposes


Information about ‘Local Education Allowance’


Establishment of police officers between 2015 and 2017


Statistics of academic background of Chinese members in the (then) Royal Hong Kong Police Force between 1960s and 1980s


Statistics related to ‘Option for Officers Appointed to the Civil Service on or after June 2000 but before 1 June 2015 to Choose to Retire at the Age of 60 or 65’


Information on the display of a banner relating to crime prevention in Po Lam Estate by the Hong Kong Police Force


Number of victims of telephone scam between 2015 and 2018 with breakdown by categories of university students, non-local university students and non-local university students from Mainland China


Detection rate of telephone deception between 2015 and 2018 by year


Crime statistics and strength of police officers from 1976 to 2015


Information about the Ordinance used by Hong Kong Police to regulate traffic matters


Taxi-related traffic accidents and traffic complaints, break down by summons, arrests and prosecution figures


Statistics of employment fraud in Hong Kong from 2015 to 2018


Crime statistics in Hong Kong


Number of reported crime cases by Police District in 2018


Number of reported crime cases by Police District and number of persons arrested for crime by Police District and gender/age group from 2012 to 2018


Number of reported cases of Robbery, Burglary, Thefts and Violent Crimes by Police District in 2018


  1. Information on applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction
  2. Information on recordable offences


Number of reported cases of Taking Conveyance without Authority, Theft from Vehicle, Criminal Damage and Tampering with Vehicle occurring in carparks from 2009 to 2018


Number of reported cases by type of crime and Police District from 2014 to 2018


Number of reported cases by type of crime and Police District in 2017


Crime statistics in Hong Kong


Number of overall non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime from 2009 to 2018 and number of non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime by type of crime from 2014 to 2018


  1. Number of foreign domestic helpers arrested for crime from 2016 to 2017
  2. Number of child abuse cases with arrested persons / suspects being domestic helpers from 2013 to 2017


Definition of ‘Taking Conveyance without Authority’ and ‘car park’


Number of reported cases on Telephone Deception, Romance Scam, Email Scam and Investment Fraud between 2009 and 2018


  1. Number of reported cases with foreign domestic helpers being victims from 2016 to 2017
  2. Number of foreign domestic helpers arrested for crime from 2016 to 2017
  3. Number of child abuse cases with arrested persons / suspects being domestic helpers from 2013 to 2017


Number of reported cases with foreign domestic helpers being victims from 2016 to 2017


Number of reported cases with foreign domestic helpers being victims from 2013 to 2017


Statistics on recidivism of youth offenders between 2015 and 2016

Reference number Information requested and released


Information on recordable offences


Report of a lost property case in Airport District


Name and registration date for all Registered Societies


Statistics of (1) Notice of Objection (2) Notice of No Objection (3) Notice of No Objection but with Conditions issued regarding applications to conduct public processions, demonstrations and public meetings within 2016 and 2017


Crime figures and types at Tai Kok Tsui area


Information on the diversity and sexual distribution of Hong Kong Police Force


Information on the diversity and sexual distribution of Hong Kong Police Force


Information regarding a reported lost property incident


Information about the geographic distribution of domestic / window damage report caused by Typhoon Mangkhut


Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from 2016 to 2018


Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from 2015 to 2017


Guideline or procedure that ensures person being issued with Non-Fixed Penalty Ticket to provide correct contact telephone number


Numbers of reportable complaints related to "stop and search" for year 2014 to 2017


  1. The overall crime rate by Police District from 2010 to 2017
  2. The violent crime rate by Police District from 2010 to 2017
  3. The crime rates for robbery and burglary by Police District from 2010 to 2017
  4. Crime situation and statistics of Eastern District between 2015 and 2017
  5. Crime rate by Police District from 2014 to 2016
  6. Detection rate by Police District from 2014 to August 2017


Number of police stations built and total number of police stations during 2012 to 2018


Territory-wide figures on cattle related traffic accidents & territory-wide figures on road blockage by cattle with locations and incidents


Figures on cycling on pedestrian walkway & pedestrian walking on cycling track


Information on Road Works Commencement Notice HKPF / 274


Number of Object fell from height cases in Tin Shui Wai Division


Number of Illegal felling of incense trees crime cases on Lamma Island from 2014 to 2018


Information about forensic crime scene investigation


Information about human trafficking


Information on identification parades


Information about Stop & Search


Information about Stop & Search


Information about Stop & Search


  1. Number of reported crime cases by types of crime and Police District from 2008 to August 2018
  2. Overall crime rate by Police District from 2008 to 2017
  3. Number of persons arrested for crime by age group and Police District from 2008 to August 2018


Information about mentally incapacitated person arrested for crime


Number of overall reported crime cases and detection rate from 1997 to August 2018


Number of persons and non-ethnic Chinese arrested by types of crime and age group from 2015 to 2017


  1. The overall crime rate by Police District from 2014 to 2017
  2. The violent crime rate by Police District from 2014 to 2017
  3. The crime rate for robbery by Police District from 2014 to 2017
  4. The crime rate for burglary by Police District from 2014 to 2017
  5. Number of reported crime cases and detection rate by Police District from 2014 to October 2018


  1. Number of reported cases for violent crime from 2013 to 2017
  2. Number of reported cases for robbery, burglary, theft and serious drug offences from 2013 to 2017
  3. Statistics on Seizure of Heroin and ICE by Month from 2013 to 2017


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction

Reference number Information requested and released


Means to obtain permission to conduct interviews and take videos at the Police Museum


Details of notified public processions and public meetings on 1 July and 1 October from 2012 to 2015


Statistics of notified public meetings from 1997 to 2012


Statistics and information related to peeping and clandestine photo-taking in Railway District in 2014 - 2017


A vessel collision incident happened in July 2018


Personal data of police officers at scene of a case


Information about an airplane crash incident at Mount Parker on 25 January 1947


Locations of red light camera and speeding enforcement camera installed in Hong Kong


Locations of speed and red light cameras


The regional traffic boundaries


Phone book of Tin Shui Wai Division


(i) Procedures & Guidelines for handling of complaints of Gambling & Smoking
(ii)-(iii) The records of warning & prosecution of the said offences in the past 3 years
(iv)-(vi) The records of the marking scheme regarding the said offences in the past years


Structure of Tin Shui Wai Division   


  1. Number of cases on clandestine taking of indecent photos from 2013 to April 2018
  2. Number of cases on under skirt clandestine photo-taking which took place at railway from 2013 to April 2018


1. The establishment and strength of Hong Kong Police Force as at 30 June 2018
2. The pay scale of disciplined officers in Hong Kong Police Force


(1) The establishment and strength as at 30 June 2018 and (2) the pay scale of 
- Police Communications Officer
- Police Telecommunications Inspector
- Police Translator


The number and breakdown of crime of Tin Shui Wai Division and Tseung Kwan O Division/ District in 2015, 2016, 2017


Methods for reporting telecom fraud


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


  1. Number of reported cases of Shop Theft by Police District in 2017
  2. Number of reported cases of Shop Theft by location in 2017


Information about cross-boundary crimes


Number of reported crime cases by Police District and by type of crime from January to June 2018


  1. Number of reported crime cases by Police District in 2017
  2. Number of persons arrested for crime by Police District in 2017
  3. Number of persons arrested for crime by age group and by sex in 2017


Number of non-ethnic Chinese on recognizance (Form 8 recognizance holders) arrested for crime offences by Police Region and Police District from 2016 to June 2018


Number of reported crime cases by Police District and by type of crime in 2017


Number of reported cases and detection rate for Kidnapping from 2015 to June 2018


Information on recordable offences


  1. Number of reported cases involving clandestine taking of indecent photos from 2014 to 2015
  2. Number of persons arrested for cases involving clandestine taking of indecent photos by sex and by age group from 2014 to 2015


Information about the new arrangements on the Reciprocal Notification Mechanism


Number of reported crime cases by Police District and by type of crime in 2017


  1. Number of reported cases involving foreign domestic helpers being victims from 2016 to 2017
  2. Number of foreign domestic helpers arrested for crime from 2016 to 2017
  3. Number of child abuse cases with arrested persons / suspects being domestic helpers from 2013 to 2017


Overall crime rate of Hong Kong from 1982 to 2017 (per 100 000 population)


Information on recordable offences


The age of the eldest and youngest person arrested for cases involving clandestine taking of indecent photos from 2016 to 2017


Procedural Guidelines on Discretion of No Prosecution for Aged Offenders Arrested for Minor or Trivial Offence


Information about the return arrangements of suspects between the HKSAR and the Mainland

Reference number Information requested and released


Information of a reported case in Airport District


Information of a reported case in Airport District


Statistics and information pertaining to parking offences and relevant police enforcement actions taken in Kwun Tong in 2017


Statistics and information related to indecent assault in Railway District in 2016-2017


Statistics of Public Order Events from 1997 to 2007


Statistics of public meetings and public processions with Police’s notification on 1 July and 1 October from 2016 to 2017


A ‘Dead Body Found’ case within Hong Kong waters some five years ago


Information on the recruitment of police interpreter (officially known as Police Translator)


Information on recruitment of Police Communications Officer in 2017


Turnover rate of Police Constable since 2010


2016-17 crime statistics


Number of location and history of  Automated Traffic Enforcement (Red Light Cameras, Speeding Enforcement Cameras and Photo Radar, etc)


Information regarding Automated Traffic Enforcement in Hong Kong


Number of tickets by Automated Traffic Enforcement


Number of incoming calls received by each Regional Command and Control Centre (RCCC) in 2017


Numbers of police officers and the annual expenditure of Hong Kong Police Force from 1976 to 2017


Statistics of missing persons in Hong Kong


Numbers of persons arrested by type of crime, age group and sex from 1989 to 2017


Numbers of persons aged between 18-27 arrested for crime by sex in 2017


Methods for accessing criminal conviction data


Numbers of reported cases of robbery, burglary and theft by Police District from 2016 to 2017


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


  1. The overall crime rate by Police District (per 100 000 population) from 2010 to 2017
  2. The violent crime rate by Police District (per 100 000 population) from 2010 to 2017
  3. The crime rates for robbery and burglary by Police District (per 100 000 population) from 2010 to 2017


  1. The number of victims of murder and manslaughter by sex and age group from 2003 to 2017
  2. The number of reported cases of murder and manslaughter by type of weapon used from 2003 to 2017
  3. The number of reported cases and crime rate (per 100 000 population) of murder and manslaughter from 2000 to 2017


The number of private cars reported missing by Police District and location category from 2013 to April 2018


Methods for applying for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


  1. Number of 999 calls received reporting incidents that happened in country parks between 2010 and 2017
  2. Classifications of these calls including getting lost, injury and falling from cliff


Crime situation and statistics of Eastern District between 2015 and 2017


Number of fixed penalty tickets issued at Taikoo Shing area during Lunar New Year in 2017


Statistics on application for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


Number of reportable complaint cases received by Complaints Against Police Force  in 2016 and 2017

Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/301 Statistics of Public Order Events from 1997 to 2017
HKPF/302 Statistics of Public Order Events from 1997 to 2017
HKPF/303 Information regarding Official Languages Officer and Police Translator grades of the HKSAR Government
HKPF/304 Crime statistics of Burglary in Sheung Shui Division from 31 March 2017 to 31 January 2018
HKPF/305 Road Safety Material
HKPF/306 Number of motor vehicles reported missing by Police District and by type of vehicle from 2007 to October 2017
HKPF/307 Methods for applying Certificate of No Criminal Conviction
HKPF/308 Number of suspected victims subject to the offence of “Trafficking in persons into or from Hong Kong for the purpose of prostitution” reported from 2015 to 2017
HKPF/309 Methods for applying Certificate of No Criminal Conviction
HKPF/310 Methods for applying Certificate of No Criminal Conviction
HKPF/311 (1) Number of reported crime cases with foreign domestic helpers being victims from 2013 to 2015
(2) Number of foreign domestic helpers arrested for crime from 2013 to 2015
HKPF/312 Methods for applying Certificate of No Criminal Conviction
HKPF/313 (1) Number of reported crime cases by Police District in 2017
(2) Number of persons arrested by Police District in 2017
(3) Number of persons arrested by age group and by sex in 2017
HKPF/314 Information about traffic enforcement at Taikoo Shing area during Lunar New Year
HKPF/315 Number of reported crime cases by Police Region and District in 2011 and 2016
Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/278 Picture of a police officer directing traffic on a traffic pagoda during the 1940s to 1960s
HKPF/279 Statistics of Public Order Events for the past 10 years
HKPF/280 Statistics of Security Personnel Permit holders
HKPF/281 Statistics of Public Order Events from 1997 to 2006
HKPF/282 Information on Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. 228) and number of Playing Musical Instrument Permits in Public Street or Road issued between 2013 and 2017 in Wanchai District
HKPF/283 Compliance with the applicable liquor related laws and regulations
HKPF/284 Statistics of Societies Registration
HKPF/285 Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from 2012 to 2016
HKPF/286 Information on Marine Police fleet between 1997 and 2016
HKPF/287 Statistics of a crime category in the railway system between 2011 and 2016
HKPF/288 Statistics of injuries cases during front-line operations for the rank of Probationary Inspector of Police to Chief Inspector of Police in the past 3 years
HKPF/289 Information requested:
The full list of names/titles of Record Series identified
Information released (to GRS):
A list of records by category
HKPF/290 Traffic Investigation result of a specific location from 2000 to now
HKPF/291 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/292 Information of crime figures at a specified location during a specified period
HKPF/293 (1) Crime rate by Police District from 2014 to 2016
(2) Detection rate by Police District from 2014 to August 2017
HKPF/294 (1) Number of reported cases for rape by victim’s age group from 2012 to August 2017
(2) Number of reported cases for domestic violence crimes by victim’s age group and by sex from 2012 to August 2017
HKPF/295 Number of Chinese and Non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime from 2014 to August 2017
HKPF/296 Information on access to criminal conviction record
HKPF/297 Information on Sexual Conviction Record Check Scheme
HKPF/298 Information on drug related offence (including traffic offence)
HKPF/299 Report of a lost/stolen property case in Airport District
HKPF/300 Reported case and number of arrest of ‘Cruelty to Animal’ between November 2016 and October 2017
Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/256 Information on speeding enforcement
HKPF/257 Specified crime figures at a specified location during a specified period
HKPF/258 Crime statistics concerning an address at a university in 2016
HKPF/259 Statistics of (1) Public Order Events from 1997 to June 2016 and (2) Societies Registration
HKPF/260 Information on compliance with Liquor Licence related laws and regulations
HKPF/261 Statistics of Public Order Events in 2016
HKPF/262 Statistics of Public Order Events from 1997 to 2003
HKPF/263 Information on staff canteen and restaurants operated under the Clubs of Hong Kong Police Force
HKPF/264 Figures of hiker-related 999 calls and the Report Categories
HKPF/265 Statistics and information related to Indecent Assault in Railway District in 2016 – 2017
HKPF/266 Copy of a specific traffic accident report
HKPF/267 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/268 Information of crime figures at a specified location during a specified period
HKPF/269 Number of persons arrested by Police District and by type of crime from 2003 to 2016
HKPF/270 (1) Number of technology crime cases from 2016 to the first quarter of 2017
(2) Detection rate of technology crime in 2016
HKPF/271 Information on identification parades
HKPF/272 Information about reports of crime at a specific location on a university campus
HKPF/273 Information on vehicle examination
HKPF/274 Information on Road Works Commencement Notice
HKPF/275 Information on Road safety posters
HKPF/276 Traffic accident reports involved road work
HKPF/277 The location of loop detection Speed Enforcement Cameras
Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/218 Crime statistics of Hung Hom Division and Kowloon City Division between 2011 and 2016
HKPF/219 Statistics of Public Order Events from 2007 to 2016
HKPF/220 Statistics of Societies Registration
HKPF/221 Crime statistics concerning an address at Sai O, Sai Kung in 2016
HKPF/222 Information about the Auxiliary Undergraduate Scheme for financial year 2016-17
HKPF/223 Statistics about Police School Liaison Officers
HKPF/224 Crime statistics for a venue at Kwun Tong during specified period
HKPF/225 Crime statistics for a college at Sai Kung during specified period
HKPF/226 Figures on traffic offence
HKPF/227 Crime statistics of burglary in Sheung Shui Division from 1 July 2016 to 31 March 2017
HKPF/228 Information on the recruitment of Police Translator II
HKPF/229 Information on recordable offences
(As same as Disclosure Log HKPF/115 in 2016)
HKPF/230 Information on recordable offences
(As same as Disclosure Log HKPF/115 in 2016)
HKPF/231 Crime statistics by Police Region and District in 2015 and Crime statistics for Kwun Tong District from 2010 to 2015
HKPF/232 Crime rates from 1995 to 2014 and number of reported crime cases from 2001 to 2015
HKPF/233 Police’s strategy in combating Compensated Dating related offences
HKPF/234 Number of reported crime cases by types of crime and by Police District in 2001 and 2011
HKPF/235 Information on access to criminal conviction record
HKPF/236 Crime statistics by Police Region and District from 2001 to 2016
HKPF/237 Number of persons arrested for crime and number of non-ethnic Chinese (including Vietnamese) on recognizance arrested for selected crimes from 2013 to 2016
HKPF/238 Number of reported romance scam related crime cases from 2014 to 2016
HKPF/239 Number of reported homicide cases for domestic violence type with victims being female from 2003 to 2016
HKPF/240 Information on access to criminal conviction record
HKPF/241 Information on vehicle obstruction
HKPF/242 Traffic investigation result conducted in September 2016
HKPF/243 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/244 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/245 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/246 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/247 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/248 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/249 Information of specified crime figures at a specified location during a specified period
HKPF/250 Crime statistics of Wan Chai District in 2016
HKPF/251 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/252 Police district map
HKPF/253 Police District Boundaries
HKPF/254 Descriptions and Map of Police Districts
HKPF/255 Descriptions and Map of Police Districts
Entry / Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/190 Refugee Crime statistics in Kowloon West Region
HKPF/191 Statistics relating to police officers arrested/prosecuted for criminal cases for 2014-2016 and types of offences
HKPF/192 Crime figures of Airport District in 2016
HKPF/193 Information on retention and disposal of employment-related personal data
HKPF/194 Recruitment and attrition statistics of police officers in the past five years
HKPF/195 Statistics of injury of police officers on duty cases for ‘Occupy Central Movement’ and ‘Mong Kok Riot’
HKPF/196 Layout plan of the Western Police Married Quarters
HKPF/197 Statistics of Public Order Event since 1997
HKPF/198 Crime statistics for Marine Region
HKPF/199 Crime data of Sham Shui Po District in 2014 and 2015
HKPF/200 Information about Shek Kip Mei Reporting Centre and crime data of Sham Shui Po District in 2016
HKPF/201 Information about reports of crime at a specific location on a university campus
HKPF/202 Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from January 2016 to February 2017
HKPF/203 Strength and establishment of each rank in the Police Translator Grade
HKPF/204 Number of reported crime cases and crime rate by Police District in 2015
HKPF/205 Number of reported cases for rape and indecent assault from 2011 to 2016
HKPF/206 (1) Definition of burglary, theft and robbery
(2) Number of reported cases and the loss amount for burglary from 2003 to 2016
(3) Number of reported cases for bank robbery from 2000 to 2016
HKPF/207 Number of applicants for Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from 2012 to 2016
HKPF/208 Number of reported crime cases for homicide from 2005 to 2016
HKPF/209 Information on payment methods for applying Certificate of No Criminal Conviction
HKPF/210 Number of reported crime cases for Sham Shui Po Police District, Tuen Mun Police District and the whole HKSAR in 2016
HKPF/211 Number of reported cases by Police Region/District and by types of crime in 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016
HKPF/212 (1) Number of non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime by Police Region/Police District from 2003 to 2016
(2) Number of non-ethnic Chinese (including Vietnamese) on recognizance (Form 8 recognizance holders) arrested for crime from 2013 to 2016
HKPF/213 Procedures and guidance for the Police in handling student suicide cases
HKPF/214 Number of participants in the public meetings and processions organised by an organization
HKPF/215 Information on Police Vehicles
HKPF/216 (1) Number of Code requests in which the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) was unable to provide the information needed because the HKPF did not keep or collect the information
(2) Number of Code requests in which the HKPF was unable to provide the information needed because the HKPF no longer keeps the information
HKPF/217 (1) Number of Non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime for the whole HKSAR and the Kwun Tong Police District
(2) HKPF’s engagement with the Non-ethnic Chinese groups
Entry / Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/162 Figures on reported crime and detected cases from 2010 to 2015
HKPF/163 Information on compliance with liquor licence related laws and regulations
HKPF/164 -Definition of “public meeting” and “public procession”
-Statistics of public processions and public meetings before 2007
HKPF/165 Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from 2010 to 2015
HKPF/166 Arrest statistics for non-refoulement claimants on recognisance in Border District
HKPF/167 Number of persons on recognisance arrested for crime cases (2013-2015) and number of persons arrested for crime cases (2007-2015) in Lantau District
HKPF/168 Statistics on arrested persons in New Territories North Region from January to August 2016
HKPF/169 Statistics on arrested non-ethnic Chinese in New Territories North Region from January 2012 to August 2016
HKPF/170 Statistics of arrested persons in Hong Kong Island Region from 2005 to 2016
HKPF/171 Number of reported crime cases and rate of persons arrested for crime for 10 years (2006-2015)
HKPF/172 Information on youth offenders from January 2006 to June 2016
HKPF/173 Number of reported cases of sexual offences and statutory penalties from January 2013 to August 2016
HKPF/174 Number of reported crime cases over the past 10 years by crime and month
HKPF/175 Number of reported crime cases by Police Region and District from 2011 to 2015
HKPF/176 Number of reported crime cases and crime rate by Police Region and District (per 100 000 population) from 2013 to 2015
HKPF/177 Number of reported crime cases by Police Region and District, and rate of persons arrested for crime from 2010 to 2015
HKPF/178 Arrest statistics of persons on recognisance and total number of arrests in Wong Tai Sin District
HKPF/179 Arrest statistics of persons on recognisance in Kowloon East Region since 2005
HKPF/180 Top 5 crimes in Kwun Tong Division from January to September 2016
HKPF/181 (1) Purpose and background of the Public Opinion Survey and Customer Satisfaction Survey; and
(2) The result of the past five surveys
HKPF/182 Arrest statistics of refugees (non-refoulement claimants) in Tai Po District from 2005 to 2015
HKPF/183 Arrest figures of persons on recognisance in Tai Po District
HKPF/184 Arrest figures of persons on recognisance in Tai Po District before 2016
HKPF/185 Arrest figures of persons on recognisance in Tai Po District before 2016
HKPF/186 Reported crime figures for Tai Po Division and Sheung Shui Division from 2011 to 2015
HKPF/187 Reported Crime Statistics by District (2014-2015)
HKPF/188 Reported Crime Statistics by District (2010-2015)
HKPF/189 Crime Statistics in Police Districts (January 2015 to October 2016)
Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/122 Arrest statistics of refugees in Yuen Long District since 2014
HKPF/123 Yearly total arrest statistics of crime cases of New Territories South Region starting from 2005
HKPF/124 Information on arrest figures of Border District from 2005 to 2015
HKPF/125 Arrest statistics of refugees of Shatin District from January 2016
HKPF/126 Details of a ‘Lost Property’ case
HKPF/127 Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from 2014 to June 2016
HKPF/128 Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from 2015 to July 2016
HKPF/129 Crime data of Sham Shui Po District from 2015 to September 2016
HKPF/130 Number of crime cases in 17 public housing estates in Wong Tai Sin District in 2015
HKPF/131 Arrest and prosecution figures during public order events (“POEs”)
  • Statistics of POEs from January 1997 to June 2016
  • Number of societies registered under the Societies Ordinance
HKPF/133 Statistics of POEs from 1997 to 2007
HKPF/134 The number of police officers in the Hong Kong Police Force and burglaries cases happened in Hong Kong in 2014 - 2015
HKPF/135 Statistics about the Auxiliary Undergraduate Scheme from 2003/04 to 2016/17
HKPF/136 The number of persons arrested in New Territories North Region from 2005 to 2015
HKPF/137 The number of persons arrested in New Territories North Region from January to August 2016
HKPF/138 Statistics on arrests in Tuen Mun District between 2005 and 2015
HKPF/139 Statistics of crimes involving refugees in Kowloon City District
HKPF/140 Crime figures for venues around junction of Wan Po Road/Wan O Road and locations of the nearest police stations in the vicinity of Wan Po Road
HKPF/141 Statistics of persons on recognizance arrested for crime cases in Kwun Tong District in 2016
HKPF/142 Information relating to "persons on recognizance" and total number of arrests and types of crimes for which persons on recognizance were arrested in Kwun Tong District in 2016
HKPF/143 Yearly total arrest statistics in Sau Mau Ping District between 2005 and 2015
HKPF/144 Yearly total arrest statistics in Kowloon East Region between 2005 and 2015
HKPF/145 Procedures on case closure and statement taking
HKPF/146 Procedures on case closure and statement taking
HKPF/147 Number of reported cases of burglary in Tai Po Police District from January 2014 to June 2016
HKPF/148 Number of persons arrested for crime, and prosecution and conviction figures from 2005 to 2015
HKPF/149 Information on modification of toy guns
HKPF/150 Number of reported crime cases by Police Region / District in 2015
HKPF/151 Number of reported cases of burglary from 2014 to 2015 by Police Region / District
HKPF/152 Information of procession(s) at a specific location on a specific date
HKPF/153 Statistics of arrested persons
HKPF/154 Statistics of arrested persons
HKPF/155 Statistics of arrested persons
HKPF/156 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/157 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/158 Statistics on reported cases of burglary in Sheung Shui Division in 2014-2016
HKPF/159 Information relating to Public Opinion Surveys and Police Satisfaction Surveys
HKPF/160 Statistics on complaints cases and the outcome
HKPF/161 Figures on cruelty to animal cases
Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/094 Application form for Registered Exempt Society
HKPF/095 Information of Registered Societies
HKPF/096 Figures on arrest and prosecution relating to public meetings and public processions from 2011 to 2015
HKPF/097 Crime figures in New Territories North Region in 2015
HKPF/098 Statistics of crime cases in 2015 and 2016
HKPF/099 Information about reports of crime at a specific location on a university campus
HKPF/100 Crime statistics for Wong Tai Sin District in 2014/2015
HKPF/101 Information relating to illegal parking in Wong Tai Sin District
HKPF/102 Number of fixed-penalty tickets issued for driving on emergency vehicle access roads in Lantau
HKPF/103 Information about "The Best Security Personnel Awards"
HKPF/104 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/105 The English name of an anti-crime operation
HKPF/106 Crime statistics for Wong Tai Sin District in 2014-2015
HKPF/107 Information relating to illegal parking at a public housing estate
HKPF/108 Number of persons arrested in 2010 by crime, age group and sex
HKPF/109 Number of reported cases of “Objects Dropped from Buildings” from 2013 to February 2016
HKPF/110 Number of persons arrested from 2005 to 2015 by crime, age group and sex
HKPF/111 Number of reported cases with foreign domestic helpers being victims and number of foreign domestic helpers arrested for crime from 2013 to 2015
HKPF/112 Number of shop theft cases from 2011 to February 2016
HKPF/113 Number of reported cases of robbery, burglary and theft in 2015 by Police District
HKPF/114 Information on access to criminal conviction record
HKPF/115 Information on recordable offences
HKPF/116 The overall number of persons arrested, prosecuted and convicted for sexual offences (including rape and indecent assault) committed on school campus from 2013 to 2015
HKPF/117 Information on access to criminal conviction record
HKPF/118 Number of reported crime cases from 2011 to 2015 by Police District
HKPF/119 Number of reported cases involving clandestine taking of indecent photos from 2013 to 2015
HKPF/120 Turnover rate of Police Constables since 2010
HKPF/121 Number of Closed Area Permits issued to cross boundary students in the past 15 years
Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/066 Number of attendance in the specified major public order events
HKPF/067 Statistics of Police Community Liaison Assistant Scheme
HKPF/068 Traffic Accident Data
HKPF/069 Traffic Enforcement Statistics
HKPF/070 Figures on Traffic Warden Officers
HKPF/071 Information relating to a specific CCTV camera
HKPF/072 Number of persons arrested during public meetings and public processions in 2015
HKPF/073 Information about definitions in crime statistics
HKPF/074 Number of reported cases for Blackmail and Kidnapping & Child Stealing from 2011 to 2015
HKPF/075 Crime rates from 1995 to 2014
HKPF/076 Crime statistics from 1993 to 2015
HKPF/077 Crime statistics from 1979 to 2000
HKPF/078 Statistics concerning child homicide from 2003 to 2015
HKPF/079 Information on Police Districts and crime rates from 2014 to 2015
HKPF/080 Number of cases involving clandestine taking of indecent photos in public places from 2013 to 2015 and the statutory penalties stipulated in related legislation
HKPF/081 Overall crime rate and number of reported cases of serious drug offences by Police District from 2014 to 2015
HKPF/082 Number of persons arrested for serious and minor drug offences in 2002 and 2007
HKPF/083 Information on recordable offences
HKPF/084 Crime statistics of Sham Shui Po and Tuen Mun Police Districts in 2015
HKPF/085 Crime data of a private housing estate from 2012 to 2015
HKPF/086 Information on incidents of fire, crime and traffic accident in a university in 2015
HKPF/087 Crime figures of Sham Shui Po District and Sham Shui Po Division from 2014 to 2016
HKPF/088 Number of Closed Area Permits issued to cross boundary students in the past 15 years
HKPF/089 Statistics on crimes in Kwun Tong District in 2015
  • Statistics on the five crimes with the highest incidence and the corresponding detecting rate in Kwun Tong District and Kwun Tong Division in 2015
  • Percentage change of the five crimes with the highest incidence in Kwun Tong District and Kwun Tong Division in comparison to 2014
  • Number of cases of ”traffic accident with person injury” and traffic casualties in Kwun Tong District and Kwun Tong Division in 2015
HKPF/091 Information on the “Operation HillCastle PLUS” in Kwun Tong District
HKPF/092 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/093 Information on models and numbers of HKPF’s vehicles currently in service
Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/030 Statistics and related information on missing property in luggage cases from January to October 2015
HKPF/031 Figures on enforcement against skip obstruction
HKPF/032 Figures on enforcement against advertising vehicle without license
HKPF/033 Figures on crime in New Territories North Region in 2014 and 2015
HKPF/034 Figures on speeding cases at Tolo Highway and areas nearby in the past two years
HKPF/035 Information of the former Police Training School located at Queen’s Hill, Fanling
HKPF/036 Reference for Indian food culture in HKPF
HKPF/037 An old photo of former Tai Po Police Station
HKPF/038 Figures of burglary cases in Yuen Long District from 2012 to 2014
HKPF/039 Policies and procedures in handling domestic violence cases
HKPF/040 Posters promoting vehicle and property protection
HKPF/041 Crime rate, detection rate and reported crime cases by selected Police District from 2014 to January - August 2015
HKPF/042 Crime statistics and strength of police from 1976 to 2015
HKPF/043 Number of sexual violence cases and number of sexual violence cases with victims aged 15 or under from 2014 to January - August 2015
HKPF/044 Overall crime rate from 1985 to 1989 and crime rate by Police District from 1990 to 1996
HKPF/045 Number of persons arrested by selected crime (sex offences) and age group from 2005 to January - August 2015
HKPF/046 Number of reported and detected crime cases with foreign domestic helpers being victims from 2013 to January - August 2015
HKPF/047 Burglary crime rate by Police District from 2010 to the second quarter of 2015
HKPF/048 HKPF’s policy and practices in handling of criminal conviction records
HKPF/049 Number of persons arrested by age group and selected crimes from 2005 to January - August 2015
HKPF/050 Number of reported sexual offences cases committed at school campus from 2005 to January - October 2015
HKPF/051 Rate of persons arrested for crime
HKPF/052 Information on handling of criminal conviction records
HKPF/053 Hong Kong Police Force’s Procedural Manual on administration of leave and time-off
HKPF/054 Information on illegal parking at Tai Kok Tsui area
HKPF/055 Information on public light bus parking at Shanghai Street
HKPF/056 Statistics on crime cases in Kwun Tong District in the first half of 2015
  • Statistics on the five crimes with the highest incidence in Kwun Tong District in the first half of 2015
  • Statistics on ”traffic accident with person injury” in Kwun Tong District in the first half of 2015
  • Statistics on traffic casualties in Kwun Tong District in the first half of 2015
HKPF/058 Statistics on suicide cases in Kwun Tong District between 2015-11-16 and 2015-11-22
HKPF/059 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/060 Information on charity walkathons
HKPF/061 Information relating to handling of found mobile phones
HKPF/062 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/063 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/064 The locations of the Automatic External Defibrillators in HKPF
HKPF/065 Figures on cruelty to animal cases
Reference number Information requested and released
HKPF/001 Statistics and related information on baggage theft in Airport District from 2012 to August 2015
HKPF/002 Information on Police Magazine
HKPF/003 Application form of Senior Police Call
HKPF/004 Record of traffic accident in Yuen Long on 2015-07-02
HKPF/005 Information on the recruitment of Police Translator II
HKPF/006 Statistics on illegal gambling activities in Yuen Long
HKPF/007 Statistics about crimes with foreign domestic helpers being victims from 2007 to January - April 2015
HKPF/008 Number of reported sexual assault cases with children aged under 16 and mentally incapacitated persons being victims from 2013 to January - April 2015
HKPF/009 Number of reported burglary cases by selected Police District from the first quarter of 2012 to the first quarter of 2015
HKPF/010 Selected crime figures by selected Police District in 2014
HKPF/011 Number of persons arrested for serious and minor drug offences in 2013 and 2014
HKPF/012 Crime prevention measures in
diamond exhibition(s)
HKPF/013 Number of persons being killed and injured in cases of “Objects Dropped from Buildings” from 2003 to 2011
HKPF/014 Number of reported crime cases by Police District from 1993 to 2014
HKPF/015 Figures of online business fraud from January 2014 to June 2015 and a brief introduction of the key duties of Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB)
HKPF/016 Number of non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime by selected crime or age group from 2005 to January - June 2015
HKPF/017 Information on home accidents that resulted in casualties
HKPF/018 Number of reported crime cases in Kwai Tsing Police District from January to June 2015
HKPF/019 Prosecution figures in relation to “illegal occupy movement”
HKPF/020 Crime rate by Police District from 2005 to the second quarter of 2015
HKPF/021 Number of non-ethnic Chinese arrested for crime by Police District from 2005 to January - June 2015 and number of Hong Kong residents arrested for crime by selected crime or age group from 2005 to January - June 2015
HKPF/022 Number of reported cases of crimes committed at other schools (excluding kindergarten, primary and secondary schools) from 2012 to 2014
HKPF/023 Statistics on illegal gambling activities in Tuen Mun District from 2007 to 2014
HKPF/024 Statistics on speeding enforcement in Hung Hom from July 2014 to June 2015
HKPF/025 Crime figures of Sham Shui Po District and Sham Shui Po Division from January 2014 to August 2015
HKPF/026 Statistics on phone deception cases held by Crime Kowloon East Region Headquarters
HKPF/027 Information about tender for provision of cleaning services
HKPF/028 Traffic information at a specific time and location
HKPF/029 Statistics on illegal gambling activities in Tsuen Wan District between 2007 and 2014

Note: The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.