Police Dog’s Name

About Us


Police Dog Handlers would be asked by public, "Who named your police dog?"

To fill the vacancies of retired police dogs, Police Dog Unit may purchase dogs in Hong Kong or from overseas. These dogs normally have given names and we usually continue to use them to avoid confusion to the dogs. We will only name puppies bred in-house.

In naming puppies, we would follow the English alphabetic order and prefer names with sharp pronunciation. For example, a group of puppies are named by letter "D" such as "Dalton", "Dani“, “Dante", the next group of puppies will be named by letter "E" such as “Eagle", “Equals", “Evan“ etc. After using letter "Z', letter "A" will be reused. If same name to be reused, a suffix will be added, e.g. "Bumper 2", "Rex3“ etc.

Lately, Putonghua Pinyin have been used in naming puppies. For example, "Guoxin" and "Gongxi".