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Tseung Kwan O Division (TKODIV) held a seminar on "Dealing with Persons with Suspected Mental Health Problems" on September 10 in conjunction with Social Welfare Department and Hospital Authority. The seminar aimed at strengthening collaboration amongst police officers, medical professions, social workers and other stakeholders and enhancing officers' knowledge of the Mentally Disordered Persons Data Transfer Mechanism.

The speakers included representatives from Hospital Authority, Social Welfare Department, and Stewards, a non-government organisation. The seminar enabled officers learn how to make the best response to people with mental health problems and avert a tragedy.

"Today officers respond to more emergency calls involving people with mental health problems. Having the techniques to de-escalate a situation would make interaction safer for the mentally ill and officers. In many cases, people with obvious illnesses have no access to mental health care. Adopting a multi-agency approach, we try very hard to refer people to other services," said Divisional Commander Chan Kwok-kee, who expressed appreciation to the speakers for sharing their knowledge and experience with the audience.

Many experts share their experiences with officers
Many experts share their experiences with officers