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At a Balances and Wisdom Seminar, titled "Embrace Hope: The Best Solution to Suicide Prevention", on September 10, Prof Paul Yip from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention at Hong Kong University pointed out that there were still a lot of myths about people with suicidal intention.
He told an audience of 200 officers that thinking those people might not mean business is one of the common myths. Most suicidal cases took a long time to develop into reality, and therefore the risk of suicide should not be underestimated, he added.
Prof Yip further pointed out that some people might consider taking their own lives as a means to leave some money for their families.  But this was more an evasive act than a solution as suicide would bring a wound that could hardly heal for those left behind, he said.
Finally Prof Yip encouraged the audience to treasure what they had in life and remain hopeful at times of difficulties.