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The Police Karate-do Club (PKC) has been providing comprehensive karate-do training for Force members and their families. Over the years, the PKC has been practising karate-do skills with the Seitoku-kan Association Japan Goju School. The Seitoku-kan was founded by Sensei Mamoru Morita (7th Dan) with recognition by the Japan Karate-do Federation.  He is also the PKC's "Grand Master".
Karate-do cultivates the spirit of self-respect and makes one more resolute. With vigorous training, practitioners would strengthen their responsiveness and body coordination.  PKC Chairman, Superintendent Terence Young, points out that karate-do not only builds up one's unyielding spirit and determination, but also taps  one's potential and maximises physical energy.
Besides the annual Karate-do Tournament, PKC members also have taken part in the World Police and Fire Games and achieved remarkable results.  Some PKC instructors and members are representatives or former representatives of the Hong Kong Karate-do Team.  The PKC instructors are Sergeant Lam Kin-fung (Black Belt 4th Dan), Sergeant Pak Wong-kin (Black Belt 4th Dan) who is a two-time champion of the Hong Kong Karate-do Tournament and Inspector Wong Hau-yan (Black Belt 3rd Dan).
Force members and their families are welcome to the PKC's training sessions for adult members every Friday from 7:30pm to 9pm and for junior members every Sunday from 10:30am to 12:30pm. For enquiries, contact Chief Inspector Lee Cho-ming at 2859-9210 or email: cip-ops-1-cdist@police.gov.hk.