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I can hardly forget what happened on December 12, 2008. I love running so much that I always practise after work. On that day, I practised as usual.  However when I started running, I heard a "pop" sound and then fell down on the ground. My left knee was paralyzed and I became incapacitated.
After being escorted to hospital, the doctor said my left knee patella tendon had broken and surgery was required as soon as possible. After resting for a few months, I still needed to walk on crutches and running was out of question. A year  had passed but the condition of my leg did not improve. The doctor even found out that my injury was deteriorating and I needed another surgery. I felt being pushed into a dark corner. 
Luckily at that critical time, I got the support of my family and colleagues, which made me recognise that life is full of challenges.  My passion for running also kept me going. On one hand, I returned to my job, and on the other hand, I received treatment and "learned to walk" every day. I hated relying on a cane. Being an athlete, I reminded myself to keep going. After one year, I managed to stand up and walk without the cane.  I could even start jogging slowly.  With an optimistic and enthusiastic attitude, I returned to the track and practised again.  During this process, I learned the important qualities of an athlete - "focus" and "coordination". At the same time, I tried to "come to terms" with my knee injuries as well.
Five years had gone and I participated in the World Police and Fire Games held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, again in 2013.  In the events of 100m, 200m, 4x100m relay and 4x400m relay, I got gold medals, marking a memorable chapter in my running career.  
Setbacks are unavoidable in life. We would fail if we lose faith.  Therefore, whenever we come across any challenge, we should maintain positive thinking and turn it into a driving force.  If we remain persevering and develop our potential, we would be like a tumbler, keep our smiles, and never fall down. 
SGT Li Chak-ming of Police Tactical Unit Headquarters