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A few years ago, I loved running but was not interested in any kind of running competitions. I preferred running leisurely on my own pace, listening to my own body signals for running whatever distance I wanted. However, this attitude changed after I was invited to represent the Police Athletics Club (PAC) in competitions last year.

The competitions I took part as a PAC representative were mostly team events, such as Correctional Services Department 10-km invitation and Hong Kong Ultra Marathon. As the results were based on the performances of individual units, team members did their best to win. In one of these events, three PAC representatives and I joined a 15-km race, running uphill and downhill and carrying five litres of water. Not long after the official start, one of my teammates was exhausted for lack of adequate rest beforehand. We supported and encouraged her to keep going, and gave her massages. After overcoming many slopes and steps, we managed to reach the last slope. By that time, all of us were extremely tired, but with the finishing line in sight, we mustered our strength to get the best result, holding our hands together and dashing towards the finishing line to get victory.

I was glad that during the race we were all united and never left anyone behind. We made it with mutual support and encouragement. Running as a team would make us stronger, happier and run faster. I am grateful to PAC and my teammates for giving me many fond memories. I am looking forward to participating in more team events.

By SIP Minnie Li Yui-ming, EU NTN

To SIP Li, teamwork and mutual support are vital for team events
To SIP Li, teamwork and mutual support are vital for team events