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About 40 members of the Police Mentorship Programme Alumni (PMPA) attended a Saturday Curry Lunch Gathering on July 30 to enhance networking with the Force.

The PMPA members learned from officers about the latest development of the Force. Deputy Head Mentor of PMP cum Chief Superintendent Siu Chak-yee and two mentors-in-charge of PMP, Senior Superintendent Ho Yun-sing and Superintendent (SP) Chow Shu-fan, shared their work experience and career aspirations. PMPA Chairperson cum SP Tsui Sheung-yee outlined the upcoming events of the PMPA.

Those wishing to join the PMPA may browse http://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/15_recruit/pmpa_form.html.

PMPA members get an update about Force activities at a curry lunch
PMPA members get an update about Force activities at a curry lunch