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1. Organisation Chart of Force Headquarters Directorate
2. Organisation of 'A' Department (Operations)
3. Organisation of 'B' Department (Crime and Security)
4. Organisation of 'C' Department (Personnel and Training)
5. Organisation of 'D' Department (Management Services)
6. Organisation of 'E' Department (Finance, Administration and Planning)
7. Organisation of Land Regional Headquarters
8. Organisation of Marine Regional Headquarters

1. Establishment and Strength
2. Honours and Awards 2002
3. Distribution of Establishment
4. Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Distribution of Establishment
5. Crimes Reported by Regions, 2001 and 2002
6. Crimes Reported, Detected and Detection Rate, 2001 and 2002
¡»Crime Charts 1993-2002
7. Persons Arrested by Age Groups and Sex, 2002
8. Miscellaneous Offences Reported, 2000 to 2002
9. Traffic Accidents and Casualties, 2001 and 2002
10. Driver Contributory Factors in Accidents, 2001 and 2002
11. Traffic Prosecutions, 2001 and 2002
12. Complaints Against Police Officers, 2002

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