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Under the guidance of Police Community Relations Office (PCRO) staff, mentees of "Project Himalaya", who have been appointed "Yuen Long District (YLDIST) Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) Juvenile Fight Crime Ambassadors", pitched in for a visit to Yuen Long Police Station by 40 NEC primary students on July 30. 
Led by the Family Health Education and Counselling Centre of Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service, the students got a briefing on police work by the PCRO staff and fight crime ambassadors, including daily duties, equipment and vehicles. They also took part in a quiz designed by the fight crime ambassadors to disseminate knowledge of crime prevention and road safety. The ambassadors also shared their experiences of "Project Himalaya" and the reasons for wishing to join the Force. 
Through participation in the station visit and other crime prevention campaigns, the fight crime ambassadors would enhance not only their communication and presentation skills, but also self-confidence and discipline. A Ms Cheng from the Family Health Education and Counselling Centre thanked both YLDIST and the fight crime ambassadors for laying on a very interesting visit for the students.
The fight crime ambassadors encourage their peers to actively take part in fight crime activities
The fight crime ambassadors encourage their peers to actively take part in fight crime activities