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“Ethics Corner Working Group” of Traffic Kowloon West (T KW) has devised a project to promote integrity in a traffic setting. An “Integrity Management (IM) Road” has been “built” for reminding officers that integrity is a main road in life and one should remain vigilant against temptations.
The road sign of the “IM Road” is marked with three street numbers, namely, 1, 8 and 190. They represent Police Headquarters on No. 1 Arsenal Street, Traffic Kowloon West Base on No. 8 Wai Wan Lane and Kowloon West Regional Headquarters on No. 190 Argyle Street respectively.  They show that IM is closely linked together at Force, Region and Formation levels.  
Another design is printing the “Four Way Values” on each of the four different “arrow” road signs.  Moreover, the traffic signs are used to visualise the “Seven Behavioural Guidelines”. For example, the “No U-turn” sign has been printed with the behavioural guideline opposing corrupt practices and misconduct; the green “Go” sign, with the guideline protecting personal data and classified information; and the “Stop” or “Prohibited” signs, with what officers should not do.
The related posters and signs are on display in lobbies and conspicuous places so that all officers and the public would get a better idea of the integrity culture of the Force. 