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Chiu Wai-yin shares experience before retirement

Deputy Commissioner (Management) Chiu Wai-yin gave a sharing session under the Senior Leaders' Exit Debriefing Series on February 27. She shared with over 140 officers her invaluable experience garnered over 36 years of service.

While Ms Chiu is best known as the first woman deputy commissioner in the history of Hong Kong Police, she had served in a wide range of challenging roles including media liaison for the security arrangements of the Handover Ceremony, as well as key positions in the Uniform Branch, the Crime Wing and Marine Region.

Ms Chiu recalled her first posting as Patrol Sub-Unit Commander, during which she used the skills learned in the Police Training School to conduct frontline operations and she made great efforts to face the challenge. She opined that a rookie officer would develop and mature with adequate guidance and support from frontline supervisors. She added that her attachment to the Crime Wing helped her build her mindset and was a turning point of her career. Through actively contributing to and identifying with the Force, she felt more energetic than ever despite heavy workload. Hence she was able to commit herself fully to her duties.

Looking back, Ms Chiu said that her key to success was her drive for learning, and her readiness to apply what she learned. She added that learning through challenges and understanding work partners' concerns were equally important. Ms Chiu proceeded on retirement in early March. She encouraged all officers to maintain the finest traditions of the Force developed in the past 175 years.

Chiu Wai-yin (left) receives a souvenir from Director of Finance, Administration and Planning Ms Joyce Tam
Chiu Wai-yin (left) receives a souvenir from Director of Finance, Administration and Planning Ms Joyce Tam