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Elderly pedestrians have been the group who formed the highest proportion of road fatalities. Of the 55 pedestrian fatalities in 2019, 34 were people aged 65 and above. In view of this, the Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ) conducted a thematic analysis on “Elderly Pedestrians Involved in Fatal Traffic Accidents in 2019” to understand details of the tragedies, hoping to find ways to further reduce their occurrence. The findings are available in the infographic.

In order to reduce the occurrence of tragedies, the Force has launched Project TOGETHER to encourage all members of the community to look out for others and promote road safety among the elderly. A series of activities will be organised to promote the spirit of mutual support and road safety awareness, which include visits to the elderly, road safety lectures, radio programmes, a street painting campaign and a Road Safety Town open day.

Since vehicle blind spots are a major cause of traffic accidents, the Police invited Senior Chemist of Government Laboratory Dr Tam Cheok-ning to explain the causes of blind spots and the dangers of various blind spots from a scientific perspective in a media interview on June 10. In addition, Senior Inspector Chan Ka-yeung, Inspector Law Ka-ming and Sergeant So Man-ngai educated drivers and pedestrians to pay attention to potential dangers of blind spots to avoid accidents.

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. We should look out for others especially the elderly. Through Project TOGETHER, we promote the spirit of helping one another and make Hong Kong’s roads safer.

Please visit the following link to view a video to understand more about the potential dangers of vehicle blind spots: (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2634838756764195 ).

TBHQ educates the public on the potential dangers of vehicle blind spots.
TBHQ educates the public on the potential dangers of vehicle blind spots.
Project TOGETHER promotes the spirit of mutual support and road safety awareness.
Project TOGETHER promotes the spirit of mutual support and road safety awareness.