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Between May and July, the Emergency Unit of Kowloon West (EU KW) conducted briefing sessions for frontline officers in the Region, with a view to raising their awareness of bomb threats and suspicious objects as well as enhancing their response capability in handling such incidents in a safe and professional manner.

A total of 25 briefing sessions were delivered to about 1 000 officers serving in the EU, Police Tactical Unit, Tier 2, Tier 3, Patrol Sub-units and some other Uniform Branch posts, explaining the ever-present threats and points to note during their day-to-day duties and throughout Operation TIDERIDER. A pocket-sized action card, which was specially designed with key points and general guidelines on the handling procedures, was also handed out to the attendees. The sessions were well received by all attendees who found the content useful and practical. The attendees also said that the sessions had enhanced their understanding of the relevant procedures and boosted their confidence in dealing with relevant incidents.

EU KW holds a briefing session on handling bomb threats and suspicious objects for frontline officers in the Region.
EU KW holds a briefing session on handling bomb threats and suspicious objects for frontline officers in the Region.