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The Police Tactical Unit Headquarters (PTU HQ) held the launching ceremony of the Mixed Reality (MR) Training System on April 29. Commandant of PTU HQ Mok Hing-wing and Senior Engineer of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) Ms Yau Chi-ying officiated at the ceremony. The system is an innovative project led by the Research and Development Division of PTU HQ. It underwent trial and testing in the first quarter of 2024 for PTU Tactics Training with very positive comments received.

Traditional tactics training may be affected by factors such as the venue and manpower. The newly introduced system incorporates elements of virtual reality and augmented reality to allow users to interact with virtual objects and the real environment through an open-view head-mounted display. With perception technology, display technology and spatial mapping, the system creates an immersive experience to the trainees. Instructors can simulate different training scenarios in the same training venue, allowing trainees to undergo training in a realistic and safe environment, whilst saving resources and improving training effectiveness.

Officers demonstrate the application of MR Training System.
Officers demonstrate the application of MR Training System.