Got something to say? E-mail, phone, fax or write a letter to Editor OFFBEAT and say it. We're here for you.
NOTE: We would also like to remind readers that OFFBEAT will not publish feedback sent anonymously. However, we will withhold names and addresses on request.

Fatal tortoise


I am a resident at Block C of the Tin Kwong Road Police Married Quarters. On 16 June, a tortoise kept by a resident of our block went into a sewage pipe and blocked it. After retrieving the body, the management office then placed the dead tortoise on a footpath near Block C and a derogatory notice was posted up on the wall. The deceased tortoise smelt terrible and affected the hygienic condition of the area. Its body was removed only after I filed two complaints to the management office on 18 and 19 June. I am dissatisfied with the way in which the management company handled the incident and hope that the division concerned will look into the matter.

A Tin Kwong Road
PMQ resident

Colour Co-ordinated


I refer to the letter entitled "Colours Party should not discriminate" which appeared in your last edition. I thank Mr Cadman for raising this issue because if there is mis-understanding over the matter, then it is important that this is cleared up.

It is no exaggeration to suggest that, because of television coverage, members of the Colour Parties involved at the handover of Hong Kong were seen by large numbers of people around the world. The importance therefore of the impression created in that brief drill cannot be overstated. Visual impact and solemnity were the overriding considerations.

The parameters set for membership of the colours party involved rank, height, deportment, and communication skill. Rank, because it was desirable that officers selected be of broadly equivalent status to the officers of the other Forces involved. Height and deportment, because of the need for visual impact and uniformity, also bearing in mind the height of the officers from the other Forces involved. Communication skills, because of the need for members to liaise with each other in order to ensure that everybody acted in concert.

When the search for members began, perhaps these criteria could have been explained a little more clearly. That they were not, probably gave rise to the impression that certain groups were being excluded. That was not the intention and when it became apparent that this misleading impression had been created in certain areas of the Force, immediate clarification was issued by this Headquarters.

Consequently, on 19 May 97, all MFCs were contacted and asked to invite volunteers - either male or female, local or overseas. Basically, anyone approximately six feet tall, smart in uniform with the ability to speak basic English, Cantonese and, for the second part of the proceedings, Putonghua, was considered eligible. It was also decided that should there be more applicants than places available, the ACP SD would convene a board to select the best suited.

I hope that this reply will completely dispell any concerns Mr Cadman or others may have about this issue. However, should any officer wish to discuss the matter further, they are welcome to give me a call.

Yours faithfully,
Ng Wai-kit, ACP P

Photographs sought by former PTU officer
Sandra Johnston is not sure of the exact year she trained at the Police Tactical Unit, but she served in the Hong Kong Police Force from April 1977 to August 1980. If anyone has photos of Ms Johnston, preferably in a group shot with other PTU members, she would be extremely grateful if you could send her copies, for which she will be happy to re-imburse the sender. Her mailing address is:

Sandra Johnston
Lot 21
Chifley Road
N.S.W 2786

Farewell to H.E.


FIRSTLY a confession: It is a long time since I had the pleasure of anyone shouting at me on the parade square. Secondly a disclaimer: I in no way wish to cast aspersions on those who actually took part in the numerous events of the handover. But I have one grouse to air - the farewell to the Governor at Government House.

What was the reasoning behind the otiose and gauche "silent drill" which smacked to me of an overt "Americanism". Silent drill has its place and when I have been able to procure a ticket to the annual PTS "Beating Retreat" it is very impressive.

Having taken a straw poll of both peers and superior officers alike, I come to the conclusion that the silent drill performed (very well) at Government House on the evening of 30 June was ill-advised.

Surely a simpler more dignified drill would have sufficed. This is admittedly a small point, but one for which I would be very grateful of clarification.

To conclude: Is there a standard length of long trews (Scottish tartan trousers) regulated by PGOs of exactly where the hem line should cut the officer's shoe? (E D.)

D I Angus
Ip S FPD, BorDist, NTN

ĦE Otiose means: idle, listless, indolent, slothful, lazy.

Force Congratulations!!!


THE ceremonies, celebrations and festivities are now all behind us. We will cherish the fond memories of the handover. Everybody who has witnessed any part of these historic events has nothing but praise for the highly efficient manner in which they have been organised and the imaginative way they have been presented.

Many, many people within the Administration have contributed towards the hugely successful staging of the Official Handover Ceremonies and Related Celebration Activities. You are one of them and it was my privilege to have the opportunity of working with you.

The Police have done a truly magnificent job and managed to keep the whole series of ceremonies incident-free. This reflects the professionalism and versatility of our Force at its best.

You and your staff have been most willing to give of your best to ensure that nothing but the true face of Hong Kong was presented to all our guests around the world.

Chinese leaders are especially impressed with the grace, energy, innovation and efficiency which combine to give a lively demonstration of the Hong Kong spirit which is our hallmark.

It gives me great pleasure to thank and congratulate you on your achievements. You have a great team which you can be justly proud of. As it would be invidious of me to single out individual officers, I should be grateful if you would pass on to them my sincere thanks for the part which they each played in this sterling display of character and resilience.

At a personal level, your wise council, your expertise, your patience and your initiative proves once again how fortunate we are to have a Police Force which can take up any challenge ahead of us.

Best wishes,
Michael M Y Suen
Secretary for Policy Co-ordination

This letter was written to ACP (Special Duties) Dick Lee Ming-kwai from Michael Suen of the HKSAR Chief Executive's Office

Well done, Eddie!


WITH regard to the reunification celebrations / security and traffic arrangements.

I feel I must write and congratulate the Hong Kong Police for organising the complicated arrangements over the past two or three days with such quiet efficiency, tact and good judgement.

I think you and your men and women have done us proud in the eyes of the world leaders and their media.

My respect also goes to the particular team who had the daunting task of handling the operation - and they acquitted themselves with flying colours.

With regards,
Yours ever,
(T L Yang)

The above letter was written to CP Eddie Hui Ki-on from Executive Council Member, Hong Kong SAR, The Hon T.L.Yang

1915 - 1997

HENRY FONG YIK-FAI, retired CSP, passed away on 27 June 97, in Vancouver, Canada, at the age of 81.

Fong Yik-fai joined the Force in September 1938 and retired in November 1970 in the rank of CSP. His last posting was CSP, Hong Kong Island.

Tough but fair, Fong Yik-fai, who was awarded the Governor's Commendation in 1947, CPM in 1950, Coronation Medal in 1953 and QPM in 1967, is missed by many.

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