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Healthy relaxation for tomorrow

The PSG's new poster design being distributed Force-wide

It is important to know how to relax in healthy ways as there is little dispute police work is full of stress. Whatever your rank, you will be subjected to different sources of stress. These can originate from ever-increasing expectations and demands from society, or from within the organisation such as EPP initiatives, office automation, and policy changes.

In face of stress, there are two common setbacks in the coping and adjustment of officers. The first, is a conception (or a misconception, to be exact) that officers should be able to withstand stress indefinitely, and any failure to handle it insinuates they are unfit for the profession. Therefore, a "macho" attitude is to be maintained to avoid a weak image. But the corrosive effects of stress continue their silent toll and are only recognised and handled when problems become overwhelming.

The second common misconception is the best relaxation can only be achieved through spending sprees and thriller activities such as gambling and excessive drinking. Some officers may think splurging or gambling are the only ways to treat stressful work, but these cause additional stress in the end as people get nothing but long credit card bills, lots of useless or unwanted items in the house, harmful habits difficult to kick (such as drinking and gambling) or even severe indebtedness.

The Psychological Services Group (PSG), as part of its long commitment to the Healthy Lifestyle Campaign, has a series of psycho-educational activities promoting the concept of "Healthy Relaxation for Tomorrow" in the coming three months. Posters, table-stands, and POINT messages together with a series of articles in OffBeat will be used, looking at healthy ways of relaxation in the following areas:

1. Concern for Yourself and Treasure What You Have;
2. Simple Ways of Living;
3. Pacing and Regular Breaks;
4. Regular Physical Exercises Relax the Body and Mind;
5. Think Well to Live Well; and,
6. Seek Help and Share with Others

We also hope to solicit your views on these topics when the articles run, offering souvenirs for your participation. Details are in the next issue. For enquiries or comments, call the PSG at 2866-6206.

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