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Password tips from ITB's David Lorimer
Some users take the risk of using 'Password' or other easily-cracked terms for their password causing an inadvertent but serious breach of security.

A password must be changed regularly as all people have to do to crack it is look over your shoulder and get letter-by-letter glimpses.

Passwords should be alpha-numeric as there is software available which can run the entire dictionary through your system until it cracks your password. Having just one numeral in your password can prevent this.

For those who do not remember passwords easily, try choosing a series of letters which have special meaning to you (such as your mother's maiden name or a childhood pet's name) and then add memorable numerals. For example, if the word I chose was 'Central' I would then insert the year in the word backwards, right after the first letter giving me a simple password of c0002entral.

It is important to change passwords at regular intervals so an easy way to change it while remembering it is simply to move the number to the next character space or reverse the number, such as ce0002ntral or cen2000tral, etcetera.

Thus, by maintaining a simple philosophy for creating your password, even if you forget it, by applying the same thought process you will be able to re-create it.

Finally, whatever you do, don't write a password down.

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