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CE's compliments

(This letter was sent to Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui)

On the successful completion of the Fortune Global Forum in Hong Kong, I wish to congratulate you, your senior staff, and officers in the Force for the excellent work done to ensure the smooth holding of the forum in Hong Kong. You and your colleagues have done a sterling job in ensuring the personal safety of all the VIPs attending, the good order of all the events and the overall security of Hong Kong during the forum.

The secure and orderly hosting of the forum would not have been possible without your meticulous planning and preparations beforehand, and clockwork execution afterwards. All of us have always been proud of our Police for keeping good law and order in Hong Kong and the reputation of the Force has been greatly enhanced as a result of this particular effort. Please convey my sincere appreciation to all those concerned for a job well done.

Tung Chee Hwa
Chief Executive

(Editor's note: OffBeat received a number of other letters from the public and social groups complimenting police operations and officers' good work during the Forum.)

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