Territory-wide Pedestrian Safety Thematic Publicity and Enforcement Operation (2023-08-10)

Traffic Matters

Territory-wide Pedestrian Safety Thematic Publicity and Enforcement Operation
Territory-wide Pedestrian Safety Thematic Publicity and Enforcement Operation
Territory-wide Pedestrian Safety Thematic Publicity and Enforcement Operation
Territory-wide Pedestrian Safety Thematic Publicity and Enforcement Operation
Territory-wide Pedestrian Safety Thematic Publicity and Enforcement Operation
Territory-wide Pedestrian Safety Thematic Publicity and Enforcement Operation

Pedestrians were the most vulnerable group of road users in 2022, accounting for 34% of the total number of deaths and serious injuries in traffic accidents. From January to July 2023, there were 1,354 traffic accidents involving pedestrian casualties, representing an increase of 18% when compared to 1,144 cases in the same period last year. Therefore, it is necessary to take stricter law enforcement actions to address this issue.

Traffic Branch Headquarters and the Road Safety Teams of the Regional Traffic formations began to conduct the territory-wide "Pedestrian Safety Thematic Operation" on August 14. Large-scale law enforcement operations were carried out at over a hundred busy locations across the city. A total of 1,785 pedestrians who violated traffic regulations were summonsed, and immediate prosecutions were made against the offenders.

After a series of publicity and education campaigns, as well as law enforcement actions, the number of fatal and seriously injured traffic accidents involving pedestrians in the third quarter of 2023 dropped significantly when compared to the same period last year.