Unlocked Secrets

Physical Fitness Can Lead to Better School Performance?

Studies have found that there is a link between physical fitness and school performance. School children who are physically fit perform better academically than their counterparts who are less active.

As a matter of fact, there are several factors which may determine success in school. These include cognitive skills, attention in class, memory, verbal ability, and behaviours such as conduct, attendance, and completion of homework. Physical activity improves blood and oxygen flow to the brain. As a result, it enhances brain functions and cognition. Moreover, if you stay active, your body’s endorphin level increases. It hence reduces stress, enhances mood and improves self-esteem, making you more likely to behave well at school.

Regular physical activity benefits your lungs, bones and muscles, improves endurance and reduces your chance of developing chronic diseases. Physically fit students are less likely to miss school and get involved in risky behaviours, both of which are associated with better scholastic attainments.

Ideally, you should incorporate different types of activities, as each offers unique benefits for the well-being of your brain. For instance, aerobic exercise can improve your multi-tasking ability and endurance whereas weight training can improve your attention span.


JPC Monthly Newsletter
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