Living in a fast-paced city like Hong Kong, we are always under immense stress. Work or study related pressure is very often inevitable. Though there is no definite formula to avoid it, we can try to manage it in a better way.

As a youngster nowadays, stress is far more than an academic issue. Expectations from parents, peer pressure, and even the competitive environment in society can give us a hard time. Whenever I feel stressful, I will talk to my beloved family and friends. For me, it is the simplest yet the most effective way for reducing stress. It is all about sharing and communicating. Keep in mind that you are not alone unless you want to.

I do not enjoy stress but I must admit that it helps people grow up. Surely, there are lots of other ways to manage stress apart from my suggestion. Be ready to find your own way to deal with it.
(Miss FONG Ching-yee, JPC member of Sham Shui Po District)


JPC Monthly Newsletter
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