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Bravery deserves better recognition


I wish to congratulate SIP CHRIS Pedder of EU KW on the award of a Commanding Officer's Commendation for the rescue of a mentally disturbed man form Victoria Harbour, HQO 197 of 1997 Part 2.
I was more than a little surprised and disappointed though to see that his actions were commended only at this level. To follow a man swimming into one of the world's busiest harbours, to grapple with him while avoiding ships there until rescue boats arrived and to subsequently save his life, all in pitch darkness, is surely courage or bravery of the highest order.
Many officers who have rescued people in similar circumstances in the past have, quite deservedly, had their efforts recognised with a Governor's Commendation although I am sure that this has not been their motivation nor will it be in the future.
It would be a pity if, on this occasion, the commendation had been 'downgraded' because no one has yet decided what to replace the Governor's Commendation with, wouldn't it?

Yours sincerely,
Martin Cadman

REPLY . . .


In response to Martin Cadman's letter, my decision to recognise Mr Pedder's courageous act with an award of a Commanding Officer's Commendation was made prior to the return of sovereignty and with full cognition of the circumstances.

Yours faithfully,
J H Walker,
Regional Commander, Kowloon West

Market crisis
The following letter was sent to CP Hui Ki-on from the Director of Agriculture and Fisheries . . .


I write to express my sincere thanks to you and through you to Mrs Bonnie Smith, District Commander Sham Shui Po, and to Mr K F Chau, ADC Crime Sham Shui Po and their team for the excellent work and support rendered us in taking action to tighten up control on the Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Wholesale Poultry Market.
Their prompt and decisive action has won the confidence of traders and operators in the Market and is applauded by the community at large.
The re-opening of the Market and the resumption of import of live chickens on 7 February have been widely reported. Among the many issues commented on was the action of removing the container office (the occupant being the operator of the Servicing Company), which attracted most attention and was highlighted by many newspapers.
Without the presence of the police and in particular the team lead by Mrs Smith, this would not have been possible. Mrs Smith, Mr Chau and their team of staff have indeed done a first class job. Their professionalism and dedication are highly commendable.
The action taken on 7 February is a significant step forward in combating triad activities in the area. I look forward to their continued and unfailing support in making the wholesale markets a "cleaner and safer" place for people to trade.
Thank you once again and congratulations to the Sham Shui Po Police.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs Lessie Wei,
Director of Agriculture and Fisheries

Full face helmets


I am a District Traffic Team officer and have recently been issued with a new Gortex multi-purpose jacket. It keeps me warm despite the chilly winter weather.
However, the helmet which I wear had no visor when issued to me, so I purchased one myself. Even so, it does not prevent chilly winds from penetrating into my body from my jaw, causing me a stiff face and a runny nose.
I think the Force Uniform and Accoutrements Committee should start issuing District Traffic Team officers the same helmets that are used by Traffic officers.

Yours sincerely,
PC Lee Chi-wah,
PSU-3 Sai Kung

REPLY . . .


The issue of the full face helmet has been raised and discussed in the Junior Consultative Council, Monthly Traffic Conference and Force Uniform and Accoutrements Committee and a Chief of Staff Paper was prepared prior to its introduction ((134) in CP/T 158/7/1 II refers).
The full face helmet was introduced after a series of trials and evaluations. The main points being safety, comfort and practicality. It was concluded the full face helmet is best suited for use when officers are driving at speed on expressways, that is, when safety needs are greater, when there is greater cooling effect from faster air flow (during the warmer months full face helmets are uncomfortably hot if ventilation is insufficient); and when there is a lesser need to talk to members of the public. For urban patrolling it was concluded open face helmets are best, when there are frequent stops and starts at lower speeds and a greater need to converse with members of the public.
Traffic officers are issued with both types of helmet.
District Traffic Teams are only issued with the open type of helmet, as this is best suited for their role. Keeping officers warm in the winter was not considered a major factor. However, use of a visor does help in keeping warm. It also offers better facial protection and is very adaptable as officers can lift it up.
Visors are a standard optional extra item of equipment available from police stores and their is no need for officers to purchase their own.
Helmets and other items of traffic equipment are regularly reviewed by the Traffic Uniform Sub Committee. Your correspondent is welcome to pass views through the JPOA representative on the committee, or directly to Lau To-sang, CIP Support TBHQ on 2860-2554.

E. Crowter,
for Commissioner of Police


1927 - 1997

KEITH Woodrow, who joined the Hong Kong Police in 1954 and retired in 1975 in the rank of Senior Superintendent, died suddenly in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 27 December 1997.
Born on 27 August 1927, Mr Woodrow resigned his post as a police constable in the Argyll County Police in Scotland, before joining the Hong Kong Police in January 1954.
During a distinguished career that spanned 21 years Mr Woodrow, who received the Colonial Police Long Service Medal and 1st Clasp, was commended by the Commissioner of Police on several occasions "for consistently good work during the period from January 1955 to August 1955"; "for the very high standard of his work between May 1956 and May 1957"; and "for the excellent powers of leadership displayed under most difficult conditions in maintaining traffic communication throughout Hong Kong in the aftermath of Typhoon Mary in June 1960".
Mr Woodrow's funeral took place at Kirn Parish Church, Dunoon, on Saturday 3 January, 1998, and he was laid to rest at Kilmun Cemetery on the same day.
He is survived by his widow, Morag.
Mr Woodrow is deeply missed by all those in the Hong Kong Police Force who served with him.

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