"AWP Colours in 25A" Coloring and Drawing Contest

The first activity of the “AWP x 25A” events is the "AWP Colours in 25A" Coloring and Drawing Contest. The Contest will commence on July 1 and close on October 4 (World Animal Day). The Contest is divided into four categories. Participants in the Kindergarten and Primary section shall colour the template of Hong Kong’s iconic waterfront promenade on the entry form, while participants in the Secondary and Open section shall create the background of the entry form in their own way. After completing their work, participants shall take a photo of their work and submit it via the QR code specified on the entry form. To make the Contest more fun-filled, a mobile app "AWP25A" was specifically designed for participants to scan their coloured “AWP Spokesdogs” on the entry form for display through AR on the beautiful cityscapes created by them. In addition to distributing the entry forms through schools and AWP publicity events, members of the public can also download the entry form from the below icons.

Kindergarten and
Primary School Section
(recommended to print on A3 paper)
Secondary School
and Open Section
(recommended to print on A3 paper)

Tutorial Video

【 AWP「滿彩而歸」商場巡迴展覽 - 第一站We Go Mall 】

AWP「滿彩而歸」填色及繪畫比賽舉行緊商場巡迴展覽,8月19至21日 就嚟到首站馬鞍山We Go Mall,現場除咗派發參賽表格外,守護之星Sunny同Zander 更喺現場同各位大玩「真人咁高嘅幸運輪」同「超巨型動物彈珠台」! Sunny 同Zander好高興可以透過小遊戲同大人小朋友分享愛寵知識,而且仲知道大家好鍾意印有佢哋個靚樣嘅精美紀念品啊 🐶🐶!

首站We Go Mall 去到聽日(21日)就完,大家快啲把握機會喇!但如果大家嚟唔到第一站都唔緊要,可以mark低第二至四站嘅日子到場支持!

元朗「Yoho Mall」露天廣場
2/9 (星期五) - 4/9 (星期日)

16/9 (星期五) - 18/9 (星期日)

30/9 (星期五) - 2/10 (星期日)

【 AWP「滿彩而歸」商場互「動」巡禮 - 第二站 Yoho Mall 】

AWP「滿彩而歸」商場互「動」巡禮喺2/9-4/9嚟到第二站元朗Yoho Mall,今站除咗繼續派發填色比賽嘅參賽表格同透過遊戲派發精美紀念品外,守護之星Sunny更連同領犬員喺現場教授大家訓練犬隻服從嘅基本技巧🐶🐶,參加嘅大人同小朋友都獲益良多✅💯!

AWP 商場互「動」巡禮嚟緊仲有兩站,大家記住把握機會 mark低日子到場支持!

觀塘 apm 中庭
16/9 (星期五) - 18/9 (星期日)

中環 One ifc 半圓形廣場
30/9 (星期五) - 2/10 (星期日)


Award-Winning Works

Kindergarten Section

Primary School Section

Secondary School Section

Open Section