New Territories North Region

Promoting Animal Protection Messages


JPC Club House (TPDIST) Open Day

NTN Family Day 2023








於2022年8月26日,新界北總區青少年保護組及青協合辦「生涯規劃•職業體驗•愛護動物」, 帶同20名青年人到動物守護大使機構「犬學堂」探訪及工作體驗,參加者除了能夠與狗隻互動之外,場內的犬隻訓練員亦向他們介紹其工作及職業生涯。




於2022年下半年,新界北總區探訪多個動物團體,包括香港流浪狗之家、浪浪之家、Hong Kong Dog Rescue、保護遺棄動物協會等等。人員亦多次與不同動物組織到中學及小學舉行愛護動物分享會。

YOHO Mall 商場show


接觸學校: 6 間
學校講座: 6 次

【 新界北「動物守護 • 社區大使」計劃大使委任儀式 】


新界北總區邀請了一聚社區領袖及兩隻「守護成長好拍檔」Bagel和Bailey見證25位新界北「動物守護 • 社區大使」的委任儀式。會上,警方亦與社區大使商討未來合作計劃,務求與社會各界合力守護動物。

In 2020, officers of New Territories North Regional Crime Prevention Office, together with police frontline units have visited many districts in New Territories North in order to promote animal protection and cruelty prevention to the members of public. The officers have also distributed leaflets to raise the public awareness on "Deliberate abuse cannot escape the law".

“NTN Animal Stars”

In April 2020, New Territories North Region recruited 20 cute pets to become “NTN Animal Stars”. These animal stars include cats, dogs, turtles and parrots. Postcards were produced using the portraits of each animal star to promote the message of animal protection.

Webinar with Students from Yuen Long District

In October 2020, officers of New Territories NorthRegional Crime Prevention Office invited SPCA to participate in “Project SMILES”. A webinar was held with the students from Yuen Long District with a dog “Ming Zai” joined in as guest to share animal protection message to the students.

Sharing at Primary School

In November 2020, officers of New Territories North Regional Crime Prevention Office held a sharing session in a primary school in Fanling to share with the students on caring of animals. Engagement was made through interactive games to encourage students to become responsible pet owners.

Public Education on Animal Traps

In view of the reports concerning animal traps, in November 2020, officers of New Territories North Regional Crime Prevention Office, Crime Investigation Team of Border District, AFCD and SPCA conducted a joint operation against illegal animal traps in Border District. Members of the public were alerted on the effects of traps against animals in detail.

Building Partnership with Animal-related Stakeholders

Officers of New Territories North Regional Crime Prevention Office visited a number of animal groups and organisations in NTN, including the Rescue Centre for Abandoned Pets, Society for Abondoned Animals and Hong Kong Homeless Dog Shelter to exchange information on animal protection and enhance communication with animal organisations. The framework and purpose of the Animal Watchers Programme were also introduced to the parties.