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With the arrangement made by Police College, four Sergeants attended a two-week training course in management development in Queensland Police Service (QPS) Academy from March 24 to April 4.
The course also included the policing-related strategic management elements for QPS Senior Sergeants. Inspectors from the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service also attended the course, which aimed at grooming the trainees to be middle-level leaders.
"Leaders Who Make a Difference" was the theme of the training course, which focused on strategic management, strategic leadership, environment awareness, communication skills and operational management. Two experienced senior police officers, as visiting fellows, shared their knowledge with the trainees, particularly application of knowledge and skills at the workplace.  
During the course, the four Sergeants also had the opportunity to meet the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioners of the QPS, as well as the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of conglomerates. The hosts and CEOs were very forthcoming in sharing their valuable leadership and management experiences with the Sergeants.  
After the training course, the Sergeants regarded their training as a valuable opportunity for learning. Apart from learning police management and leadership concepts and knowledge, they also helped strengthen the relationship and networking between the Force and the QPS.
The Sergeants meet QPS Commissioner Ian Stewart
The Sergeants meet QPS Commissioner Ian Stewart