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In face of adversity, we may feel frustrated and defeated. However, this may also turn out to be a good opportunity to hone our will, making us more mature and resilient. One of the key elements between "crisis" and "opportunity" depends very much on our attitude.
Attitude 1 - Finding Meaning
Finding the meaning behind our suffering may help us overcome harsh realities, endure disgrace and rise up to the challenges ahead in unforeseeable circumstances. The underlying meanings might be the followings:
* The more adverse a situation becomes, the greater need there is for police officers to maintain public order and protect life and property.
* Over 16 000 appreciation emails, letters and thank-you cards from the public are evidential proof of the fact that our perseverance and restraint are worthwhile.
* Upholding the rule of law is a cornerstone for creating a stable and prosperous society.
* Under global spotlight, we have to stay united, keep up our morale, prove ourselves to be one of the finest police forces in the world, and show our professionalism.
* Be proud of yourselves for maintaining the law and order of our city and for participating in writing a new chapter of the history of Hong Kong.
Attitude 2 -Validating Yourself
This may be a good timing for reflection on our core values, and make us more determined and confident.
* Recognise our contributions in minimising the adverse impact on the law and social order of Hong Kong brought by public events.
* Adhere to our core values. No one can win the whole world. Remain steadfast even when there are misunderstandings and criticisms.
* Take pride in our professionalism, put aside our emotions, and discharge our duties impartially regardless of different stances.
Attitude 3 - Appreciation and Gratitude
Showing appreciation and gratitude in adversity can help us realise that every cloud has a silver lining. This will help us extricate ourselves from negative thinking, and enhance our positive emotions and resilience under trying circumstances.
* Try to appreciate the positive side of the operation, such as the precious team spirit, persevering and sacrificing efforts made by our colleagues, enhancement of emotional fitness, and accumulation of life experience.
* Be grateful to your comrades, families and friends for their understanding and care, and show your gratitude for the support and encouragement given by your colleagues.