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Traffic New Territories North (T NTN) conducted a major traffic incident exercise named "QUICKSKILL" on December 19, 2017, to boost officers' ability to deal with emergencies.

In response to a growing number of traffic accidents involving bicycles, vehicles without proper maintenance and passengers not wearing seat belts in NTN Region, the exercise simulated a moving car with one of its tyres coming loose on a coastal flyover at Castle Peak Road in Tai Lam, hitting a cyclist nearby and expelling him to the sea. A passenger not wearing a seat belt on the car was thrown out and killed instantly. The accident also caused injuries to many passengers on a KMB bus and a group of cyclists.

About 200 members from T NTN, Marine West Division, the Fire Services Department, the Highways Department, the Transport Department, the Government Flying Service, Hong Kong St John Ambulance, The Kowloon Motor Bus Company Limited and a towing company took part in the exercise to deal with the mass casualties. This strengthened inter-sectoral co-ordination and enhanced their resilience in handling major traffic incidents.

An officer comforts a simulated victim in the exercise
An officer comforts a simulated victim in the exercise