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To enhance readers' resilience and well being, the Psychological Services Group (PSG) outlined in this issue the virtue of Transcendence put forward by renowned psychologist Dr Martin Seligman. The character strengths of Transcendence enable humans to connect with the nature and find the meaning of life. The five character strengths connected to Transcendence are: Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, Gratitude, Hope, Humour, and Spirituality.

Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence

"Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence" refers to the ability to find, recognise, and take pleasure in the presence of goodness in the physical and social worlds. The most obvious feature of this strength is the emotional experience of awe or wonder in the presence of beauty or excellence.


"Gratitude" is a sense of thankfulness and joy in response to either tangible benefits or a moment of peace evoked by natural beauty.


"Hope" is the thinking or beliefs about the future and the goodness that it might hold. A person with hope not only thinks well about the future, he or she also behaves accordingly.


A humourous person is joyful and good at gently teasing, bringing smiles to other people, and having a composed and cheerful view on adversity.


People high in "Spirituality" believe in ultimate meaning of life, which shapes their conduct and provides them comfort. These people are also interested in moral values and pursuit of goodness.

A full version of this article with suggestions on how officers can apply their character strengths in their daily life will be uploaded to the Police Intranet (POINT) and the PSG website.