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The Force has implemented Rapid Oral Fluid Test (ROFT) since February 19 to combat drug driving. If police officers suspect that a driver is driving under the influence of drugs, they will use the ROFT instrument “DrugWipe®6S” to collect a small amount of oral fluid from the driver to detect whether he or she has taken any specified illicit drugs, namely heroin, ketamine, MDMA, cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine. The analysis result can be obtained in about eight to 10 minutes.

In the past, when police officers were dealing with suspected drug driving cases, they needed to conduct the Drug Influence Recognition Observation (DIRO) on the spot. If a driver failed the DIRO, the driver would be required to undergo an Impairment Test at a police station. If the driver failed the test, he or she would be brought to a hospital to provide a blood or urine specimen. After the implementation of the ROFT, if a driver fails the test, the driver will be required to provide a blood or urine specimen at a hospital to determine whether he or she has committed drug driving, which greatly shortens the time required.

After ROFT has been launched for a short period of time, frontline officers have successfully arrested a number of drug driving drivers during patrols and law enforcement operations. The effectiveness of the ROFT instrument has enhanced officers’ confidence in combating drug driving.

An officer demonstrates the use of the Rapid Oral Fluid Test instrument.
An officer demonstrates the use of the Rapid Oral Fluid Test instrument.
Rapid Oral Fluid Test instrument facilitates the Police's enforcement actions against drug driving.
Rapid Oral Fluid Test instrument facilitates the Police's enforcement actions against drug driving.