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![]() Regional Commander Marine, M Stradmoor, presenting the winning prize to DVC MHDIV Siu Koon-yiu |
THE Marine Port District Officers' Mess was officially named (中南島) by M Stradmoor, Regional Commander Marine, on 24 October 1997. The three Chinese characters indicate the three Divisions in the District: ("中") means "central", indicating MHDIV; ("南") means "south" indicating MSDIV; and ("島") means "island", indicating Cheung Chau. The mess got its name "Porthole" after renovation earlier this year. Following the reunification of Hong Kong with China, members felt that the Mess also needed a Chinese name. This was followed by a naming competition. The winner was Siu Koon-yiu, DVC MHDIV. |
"I hope this competition will promote the use of Chinese at all levels. I also hope ('中南島') will bring joy and happiness to my colleagues", said M Stradmoor. Regional Commander Marine, M Stradmoor, presenting the winning prize to DVC MHDIV Siu Koon-yiu |
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SPEAKING of Marine, on 18 October, the Marine Port District used one of its police launches in a unique way - as a means of recruiting Junior Police Club members. Primary 5 students living on Cheung Chau visited PL56 and enjoyed an one-hour onboard tour during which time they were shown the navigational and surveillance equipment, as well as the weapons carried. | |
Of the 150 students attending, only 10 were JPC members. Was it a coincidence that Fan Lai-ching, the teacher-in-charge, is herself a JPC leader? Miss Fan commented that the visit would promote the image of the Police Force allowing her students a better insight through closer contact with frontline staff. She was right. Over one hundred of the students submitted applications to join the JPC after their visit - and more are coming. | ![]() Primary students take a keen interest in the weapons carried on Police Launch 56 |
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![]() Bob Wilkinson showing off his presentation from fellow officers to RC NTN Felicia Wong and Peter Burbidge-King, DC TPDIST | A FAREWELL cocktail party for one of the stalwarts of service in the New Territories was held in SS Police Officers' Mess recently. Colleagues and friends from Tai Po District and afar gathered to say farewell to "Gentleman" Bob Wilkinson who is leaving the Force after 34 years of service - all, bar one stint with the Anti-Corruption Branch, in the New Territories. |
What made this occasion rather unique was an idea developed by ADC Admin TPDIST Chris Keeping, a long time friend and also NT lover. In the weeks leading up to the party he contacted officers that had dealt with Mr Wilkinson over the years and arranged for them to make a telephone call to Bob on the night (having had to explain at length to some the concept of time differences). A speaker phone and loudspeakers were set up and much to Bob's surprise - modern technological equipment definitely not being Bob's forte - he managed to speak and all present to listen, to calls from Nigel Croft (ex-SP Admin NTN), Gwyn and Mimi Lloyd (ex-DC Frontier), Roy Henry (ex-CP), Mike Illingworth (ex-DRC NT) and his colleague of "Black Chow Fame", and Vince Chapman (ex-Cmdt FPD). With these calls and the presence of old faces such as Russ Mason (ex-DC), KP Fung (retired SP) who had been Bob's barrack PC in TKL in the '60s and Li Hak-bun (ex-SGT) and now VR of Shautaukok who also worked in TKL, the party took on the semblance of a "Bob Wilkinson this is your life", TV show. Commenting afterwards, Felicia Wong, RC NTN said: "It was a wonderful idea to have so many of Bob's old friends phone in - and something very special for an officer who is so well-liked and respected in the NT." A great night was had by all. Bob will not be lost to Hong Kong and his friends as he intends to spend his retirement living in his "Village UK" in Sheung Shui where no doubt he will often be found by his friends at his favourite watering hole, the Better 'Ole. |
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IN an effort to dissuade smoking, the Regional Commander of Kowloon West has initiated a campaign that emphasises the health risk and social disapproval of smoking. The campaign began with a seed planting ceremony on 5 November at KW Regional Headquarters where 140 new seedlings were potted and are to be grown in police offices throughout the Force as a constant reminder of a healthy lifestyle. |
![]() RC KW Jim Walker potting a seedling with CIP Chu Siu-hung and Urban Services Department rep |
In six months formations are invited to enter their potted plants in a competition in which the best plants will win prizes. Prizes and certificates will also be given to smokers who quit and who obtain the most donations from sponsors, with all funds going to the Hong Kong Cancer Fund. RC KW Jim Walker potting a seedling with CIP Chu Siu-hung and Urban Services Department rep |
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![]() | The Commissioner of Police Eddie Hui Ki-on, recently presented letters of promotion to four senior Police officers. John Lee Ka-chiu has risen to the rank of Chief Superintendent of Police. Ellick Tsang Choi-on was promoted to the rank of Senior Superintendent of Police. Winky Wong Wing-kee was promoted to the rank of Superintendent of Police while Poon Siu-hung was promoted to the rank of Senior Police Telecommunications Inspector. |
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LAST January the Village Watch Scheme was introduced by the Tai Po District, Border District and North District Fight Crime Committees. Four villages including Sheung Shui Heung, Ying Poon Village and Lo Wai Village in Sheung Shui Division and Ping Yeung Village in Takuling Division joined the Scheme. Since its introduction, the crime rate in these villages has remained low. The Scheme was well received and supported by villagers and the participating households increased from 294 to 516. Kan Lung Wai Village in Fanling joined the Scheme on 19 October and Lee Uk Village followed a week later. The Scheme is one of the North District fight crime projects which is designed to suit the unique geographical setting of the areas. The fact that they are close to the border made them more prone to be used as haunts by illegal immigrants or targets of their crimes. The Scheme highlights the need for neighbourhood ties and to observe (and to report if necessary), any suspicious circumstances or persons found in their villages. Each village elects a representative to maintain close liaison with the local Neighbourhood Police Community Officer who exchanges crime information and offers crime prevention advice. The Scheme also serves to foster a positive police-community relationship as well as assisting police to allocate their resources more efficiently during the investigation of crimes. Apart from enhancing villagers' awareness to criminal activity, the Village Watch Scheme also helps them understand the importance of mutual help among neighbouring villages. Active reporting action taken by villagers also helps to prevent the occurrence of crime and increase overall security to both the villagers and their property. |