Police pups' progress

BACK by popular demand, OFFBEAT brings its readers a progress report on the Alsatian puppies born in the middle of January this year at the Police Dog Unit. As these pictures attest, the little canine constables are frisky, have their eyes wide open, and are full of mischief. They're also very very cute. Once again PDU officers thank all those who applied to take a puppy home for a year, and are happy to say that all have found loving homes for 12 months after which they will be returned to the PDU for their intensive three-month training programme before being integrated into the Force.

Police Motoring Club's mainland adventure

Police Motoring Club convoy snaking
its way up a rally course to the Jinjiang

A cloud of dust follows the convoy past
huts that remind expedition members
more of Africa than China

PMC members with a Gong An officer
who welcomed the convoy at the border

Pausing for a bit of R&R. PMC members
board tourist boats to drift into the area's
scenic caves

Some of the scenic sights en route . . .

Sights along the way included this Buddha

In front of the Yang Jiang International
Hotel. Checking the tires of one of the
convoy's lead cars in preparation for the
next leg of the rally

PMC members get a surprise red-carpet
treatment at the Yang Jiang International

One of the unique cave formations visited
during the three-day outing

Two young villagers pause to watch
the PMC convoy pass by

Two pretty company reps from one of the
mainland sponsors of the PMC expedition

Combination Christmas celebration and
surprise birthday party for three PMC

Photography: Cheung Kwok-chiu, Yeung Wah-hing (PMC members)

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