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The Psycholgoical Services Group (PSG) hosted a seminar on "Love & Care" on April 25, with one of the first female firefighters in Hong Kong, Ms Wu Lai-fong, giving a sharing on how she overcame her life difficulties.

The event attracted the participation of Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Siu Chak-yee as well as about 150 civil servants from the Force, the Fire Services Department (FSD), the Immigration Department and the Correctional Services Department. Chairman of the Carelinks Cadre Wong Kwong-hing was invited to act as a moderator in the question-and-answer (Q&A) session.

Ms Wu weighed less than four pounds at birth and suffered multiple physical illnesses which brought her to the verge of death many times. Her father was addicted to gambling and subsequently her mother suffered from mental illness and decided to leave home to receive treatment. Ms Wu, at the age of 14, had to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of her family. Later she took up the challenge to join the FSD to become a member of the first batch of female firefighters. After becoming a Christian, she learned that she had to forgive her father in order to set herself free and build family harmony.

Ms Wu's perseverance, sense of mission and religious faith helped her fight all sorts of physical illnesses, family problems and work challenges. She said that challenges make her life vibrant, and if one has tried his/her best, there should be no regrets.

Ms Wu Lai-fong answers questions about her life challenges while Mr Wong Kwong-hing acts as a moderator in the Q&A session
Ms Wu Lai-fong answers questions about her life challenges while Mr Wong Kwong-hing acts as a moderator in the Q&A session