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The Recruitment Division (RECDIV) held the Recruitment Experience and Assessment Day with the theme of “Your Ideal Police” at the Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) on December 12, 2021. The event attracted 1 671 visits with 532 on-site applications received. Commissioner Siu Chak-yee also attended the event and interacted with participants.

The event introduced various new elements and was held from the participants’ perspective. When submitting applications for the event, the participants could enrol in activities according to their preferences, including selection workshops, physical fitness test workshops and exhibitions of different police units. They could also vote for their favourite police units for the exhibitions and topics for the thematic talk.

A new activity “Meet Your Instructors” was also introduced in the event. Various equipment and tools used in the foundation training were shown to the participants, while trainees and training instructors shared the training life of HKPC with the participants. Another new initiative “Rec Talk”, a thematic talk, was held to provide recruitment information to enhance the participants’ understanding of police work.

Participants attend the thematic talk to gain a better understanding of police work.
Participants attend the thematic talk to gain a better understanding of police work.
A non-ethnic Chinese officer of the Force Escort Group introduces his work to participants.
A non-ethnic Chinese officer of the Force Escort Group introduces his work to participants.
A participant takes part in the physical fitness test workshop.
A participant takes part in the physical fitness test workshop.